By Barotseland Watchdog

Those who have followed the political history with regard to how Lozis and Tongas related in fighting for political space in the Zambian Political System will agree with us that Tongas are not sincere and honest in their cousinship with the Lozis. Tongas have proved many times that they hate Lozis and their cousinship with Lozis is just for convinience.

We have a number of practical incidences and examples clearly showing how Lozis have shown their love and regard for Tongas and how Tongas have have been paying Lozis with disappointments and betrayal.

In 1950 when Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika was President of the Mines African Staff Association and Facilitator of Domestic and Foreign Education Scholarships, he established a good relationship with the Indian Commissioner and obtained and facilitated the Education Scholarships to India for Nalumino Mundia, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe and Mainza Chona, a Tonga.

In 1951, the People of Barotseland indicated to Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika that he needed to leave the Copperbelt and return to Lealui for they were preparing him to become the next Litunga. Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika for the love of his tribal cousins, the Tongas, he made sure that the Leadership of ANC which he formed, was left with Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, a Tonga. This is how Lozis love their tribal cousins, the Tongas.

In 1998, a group of Lozis comprising of Batuke Imenda, Inonge Wina, Sakwiba Sikota and few Tongas in the company of Underson MAZOKA and others from other tribes formed UPND. The Lozis were in dominance but decided to give the Presidency of the Party to their tribal cousin, Underson MAZOKA and Sakwiba Sikota became Vice President.

However, in 2006, when MAZOKA died, the Lozis and few Bembas who were in UPND indicated that Sakwiba Sikota who is Vice President, Political be given a chance to be President of UPND. This was supported even by the Constitution of UPND by then, but Tongas rose against Lozis beating those who insisted and brought in Hakainde Hichilema who was no where near in the hierarchy of UPND.

Tongas claimed, UPND was for Tongas since it was headed by MAZOKA and challenged Lozis to form their own Party. It was this time when People like Sakwiba Sikota, Inonge Wina, Batuke Imenda, Given Lubinda left the UPND and formed ULP. Given Lubinda became the First ULP Member of Parliament for Kabwata, Inonge Wina became the first ULP Member of Parliament for Nalolo while Batuke Imenda became the First ULP Member of Parliament for Lukulu East. Other Lozis who were beaten severely by Tongas and Hakainde Hichilema’s thugs in haunting out Sakwiba Sikota, like Mr Kalumiana, became very sick upon reaching Barotseland and eventually died due to severe body pains.

Hon. Charles Milupi who was the First UPND Provincial Treasurer in the Copperbelt also resigned from UPND and came to Luena to stand as Independent and later in 2010 formed ADD with others.

Due to such events, UPND lost popularity which it had under MAZOKA because ULP and MMD got most of its seats across the country especially in North Western, Central and Barotseland.

In 2011, the ULP went into an alliance with the PF’s Michael Sata and some Lozis cooled off their anger and went back to UPND. This saw the resignations of many members of Parliament from MMD in Barotseland going back to UPND in readiness for 2016 General Elections under the Mobilization of Mwilola Imakando and others.

While this was being done, others were still demanding that Hakainde Hichilema needed to apologize on his own behalf and on behalf of his fellow Tongas for the things they did to Sakwiba Sikota and other Lozis, but todate Hakainde Hichilema is still refusing and claiming he was right.

So even when Tongas still showed their hate for Lozis, the Lozis mobilized themselves influencing even those from North Western and part of central as they are all sons and daughters of King Lewanika (Tribal cousins to Lozis) to support the UPND.

Hon. Charles Milupi also torwards 2016, he entered into an alliance with UPND after being promised that he would be given Parliamentary seats in Barotseland to field candidates but nothing was given to him. As we speak ADD has been swallowed completely by UPND and only Hon. Milupi alone has been considered for a position. HH has failed to consider even Mr Mulele Mumbisho who campaigned heavily with Hon. Milupi for HH. This is how HH has killed even the small party which Lozis could be proud of.

In 2011, when Rupiah Banda, killed people in Barotseland over the Barotseland issue, President Hakainde seemed to care in the company of Chief Mukuni and offered solidarity to the Litunga. In 2012, when the people of Barotseland called for the Barotse National Council, President Hakainde was present and he offered material support while promising that once President, he would restore the Barotseland Agreement because it was a straight forward matter.

As a result, the people of Barotseland supported Hakainde Hichilema using their own money, some with their poverty they refused handouts from PF and sacrificed for Hakainde Hichilema.

Many people lost their jobs and some removed from payroll in the civil service because of their love for Hakainde Hichilema but today Hakainde has forgotten them. Infact, he is even insulting them together with the Litunga and their heritage, Barotseland.

Why do Tongas hate Lozis like that despite Lozis loving them? Look at how HH is appointing Lozis to work in his Government! He is only picking those who don’t care about the affairs of the people of Barotseland and has set up a Provincial Administration meant specifically to torment Lozis.

Look at how he has u-turned on the Barotseland issue! After annoying people, he doesn’t want to apologize. On the other hand is sending Lozis serving in his Government to come and calm down the Lozis and on the other hand he is sending Tongas serving in his administration to go on Television and Radio Station to Castigate and insult Lozis as well as issuing unfounded warnings and threats on Lozis. Look at how Tongas like Mark Simuuwe, Trevor Mwiinde, Cornelius Mweetwa are working hard to destroy and annoy the people of Barotseland! Don’t we have any other tribe in UPND which can speak bad about Barotseland apart from Tongas?

Why are Tongas behaving like this? Anyway, we blame Lozis who keep on supporting them them even when they are treated like dogs.

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