Dad hand over murder accused son to police

ISOKA POLICE MURDER Occurred  between 14/02/25 at 23:50 hours  and 15/02/25 around 01:50 hours at katyetye village C/Kafwimbi D/Isoka.

Reported on 15/02/25 at 05:00 hours at lsoka Police Station by Mike Mwape  aged 40 of Sabuni Village C/katyetye , D/Isoka reported that his uncle M/Kelvin Silumbwe aged 55 of Sabuni village C/katyetye D/lsoka was hacked to death by his stepson M/Shadrick Mutambo aged 24 of the same abode.  A shovel is alleged to have been used in the act.

Brief facts of the matter is that the deceased M/Kelvin Silumbwe was married to F/Mirriam Mutambo aged 49 of the same abode who had three children from her previous marriage including the suspect now M/Shadrick Mutambo.  On a date unknown but early 2024 the suspect M/Shadrick Mutambo started confronting his stepfather and accusing him of practicing witchcraft. He even warned him to stop disturbing him in his sleep and claimed that his stepfather was always squeezing his throat in his dreams.

On 15/02/25 at around 2300hrs, the bad relationship between stepfather and stepson took the worst turn, when the stepson woke up from his sleep after having a dreamt that  his step father was squeezing his throat. He then confronted his stepfather and a quarrel ensued. Sadly in the process, the stepson picked a shovel and hacked his stepfather on left side of the face and ran away leaving him for the dead. The  matter was eventually reported at lsoka Police station.

Acting on the report officers booked out to Sabuni village and found M/Kelvin Silumbwe  lying facing upward in unconscious state and rushed him to Isoka District Hospital where unfortunately, he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Furthermore,  officers observed a deep cut on the left side of the face. A shovel used in the act was picked and kept as an exhibit.
Docket of case opened. The body of the deceased has been deposited in Isoka District Hospital Mortuary awaiting postmortem to ascertain the actual cause of death. Meanwhile, the Suspect M/Shadrick Mutambo was handed in  to the  police by his biological father M/David Mutambo where he sought refuge.
The motive behind the murder is on suspicion of practicing witchcraft.

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