Edgar Lungu HH

Truth is that, so far, Lungu performed far better than HH

Truth is that, so far, Lungu performed far better than HH

….But punch for punch, head to head, so far, Lungu performed far much better than HH…

A UPND Senior member wrote;

We can say all the bad things about Edgar Lungu, and all the sweet things about Hakainde Hichilema… but when it comes to economic numbers, basic cost of living, comfort of life for ordinary Zambians, built infrastrure, economic opportunities for Zambians, the country performed much, much better under Edgar Lungu

With our leader, everything is just words. He just talks, he just impresses but NO DELIVERY.

The story of free education and CDF is not even progress compared to what the Patriotic Front did. We are celebrating toilets and desks, while the PF was celebrating low cost of living, schools, colleges, universities, hèalth centres, clinics, hosputals, roads, bridges, and power stations.

Whether Lungu can come back and do better or even worse is another story.

But we are NOT doing well. We are proving to be the worst Government since 1964.


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