Toyota Hilux was sold to a staff member, ZRA records show

Toyota Hilux was sold to a staff member, ZRA records show

The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) sold the vehicle, Toyota  Hilux, blue in colour, on staff auction to a staff member Mulopa Kaunda.

ZRA records of sale and gate pass show that the vehicle was sold for K50,000 cash on 17th November 2020 and collected on 20th November 2020 by Mr. Mulopa Kaunda.

In the case of former Commissioner General, Kingsley Chanda and former Director of Administration, Calistus Kaoma, the State brought a witness, Suzyo Ngandu former ZRA Board Secretary, who purported that the said vehicle was among 22 vehicles that were given to persons and institutions including Catholic Archbishop,  Archbishop Dr. Alick Banda.

Since then, the  state media and state house rogue online media have gone to town alleging that the vehicle was given to Archbishop Banda by the Zambia Revenue Authority.

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