Send me a call-out – ECL tells Police IG

Send me a call-out – ECL tells Police IG

… he questions why the police has failed to issue a call out to him over the alleged dockets….


Former President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu has requested the Zambia Police to extend a formal invitation for questioning instead of apprehending him without prior notice.

In a letter addressed to the Police Inspector General, obtained by Smart Eagles through the Former President’s legal representative, Makebi Zulu, President Lungu expressed his willingness to cooperate with law enforcement authorities regarding an alleged case reported in the Daily Nation Newspaper on May 21, 2024.

“it has come to his attention that there is a docket of case opened against him”.

“Should the police require our clients’ presence at the police, he is available for such an interaction and you may therefore notify us and we shall make him available,” stated the letter.

President Lungu emphasized his readiness to comply with any police summons and urged authorities to inform his legal team to facilitate his availability for interrogation.

Yesterday, News went round that the Police were mobilizing to ambush and arrest the Former Head of State at 4 in the morning like a common criminal.

Expressing his concerns on social media, the former Head of State questioned the necessity for any nocturnal arrest operations, stressing his availability for questioning during daylight hours.

“Why are President Hakainde Hichilema and the Zambia Police Inspector General planning and mobilizing to ambush me at night, abduct, embarrass, and forcefully arrest me like a hardcore criminal?” queried President Lungu.

He reiterated his willingness to cooperate with the authorities, reiterating, “My appeal is straightforward! Call me, and I will make myself available any day, any time during daylight.”

As a seasoned lawyer, President Lungu underscored his concerns over the perceived erosion of the rule of law in the country.

“I am deeply concerned about President Hichilema’s disregard for the ‘Rule of Law’ and ‘Constitutional Democratic Values’ by weaponizing law enforcement agencies against law-abiding citizens who criticize his leadership and governance,” he stated.

President Lungu’s call for procedural adherence and respect for democratic principles underscores his commitment to upholding legal standards amidst ongoing political developments.


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