Pride Comes Before Fall-The Arrogance in Government is as Shocking as their Human Rights Abuses

Pride Comes Before Fall-The Arrogance in Government is as Shocking as their Human Rights Abuses

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

I read the Statement issued by Chief Government Spokesperson, Cornelius Mweetwa, with trepidation.

The quick onset of arrogance in these officials only matches the dictorship and abuse of human rights that they have subjected citizens of the country.

They hide in “Edgar Lungu did this, Edgar Lungu did that”, but do  far worse!

This government abuses the Public Order Act with impunity. Right now it has detained GenZ National Coordinator, Jason Mwanza and his colleague Chanda Chikwakwa, for staging a lone protest, similar to what President Hakainde Hichilema did whilst in Opposition. But for Jason Mwanza, he did this with adequate police notification as required by law.

2. This government has previously threatened members of the clergy, including Catholic Priests, Fr. Anthony Kapambwe Salangeta and even went to the extent of issueinh a police call-out for Father Andrew Chewe Mukosa.

3. Recently, a senior member of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA), Mr. Chabe Webster, Copperbelt Conference President, resigned shortly after he gave what appeared to be strong snd scathing criticism against President Hichilema and the UPND Government. After this sermon, it is said that President Hichilema accosted the man of God in the vestry accusing him of not liking him and demanding to know who he was and where he was when he was mistreated by the Patriotic Front Government he had called patriotic in his Sermon.

4. Government has feequently threatened the media personel and bloggers.There are more people arrested for Criminal Defamation of the President, Criminal Defamation (even presidential aides take citizens to criminal courts, abusing state resources, instead of suing in their own capacity in civil proceedings).

Socialist Party President and PF Chairperson for Information and Publicity Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba are among persons arrested for alleged seditious practices for merely expressing their views and opinions.

Numerous numbers of bloggers, have been targeted and arrested.

5. Members of the Opposition have frequently faced arrests and harrasment on trumped-up charges.

6. The Opposition have not been allowed to hold public rallies save for the recnt two rallies finally approved to save face after 3 years of clamp down.
7. Corruption has reached unprecedented levels with State Chambers participation in the looting.
Instead of pledging temedial measures, the Government wishes to instead scandalise the Report.

“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall”.Proverbs 16:18

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