[The Curious Case Of Taking Action Through Inaction]

The Catholics have purgatory.
I have silence.

Do fools ever become wise, you will ask?
Happens all the time.

Talking, you see, is overrated.
Giving advice has its limits.

Nearly every human being has functional ears.
But not everyone hears and listens.

Of course, Jesus of Nazareth, that friend of mine, said that you have eyes but you do not see.
Just don’t miss the parallel, dear reader.

Same case here.
In the presence of abundance, you still starve.

You see, the Universe, in all its entirety, is indeed a beautiful thing.
Its immutable framework of existence is self-correcting.

Pain leads to change.
Hoy favours maintenance.

In life, there are times when inaction is the best course of action.
Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to do nothing.

When you see someone on fire, and inspired by your morality, you might have the knee-jerk reaction to put out the fire.
Trust me, sometimes putting out the fire is the wrong thing to do. I

n life, there are times when it is okay to watch and let people on fire burn for a while.
Should they die, even in their death, there will be immeasurable value.

It is not always wise to save people from harm.
Such an intervention on your part, utterly well-intentioned, might in fact be against God’s will.

We are told to never cease to do right.
But this does not mean that we must always intervene to stop the course of events.

Dr Canisius BANDA, you are too quiet, they say. Your silence will destroy this country.
What they don’t know is that, for now, that is how I have chosen to speak, by saying nothing.

Oh, now that you have a malignant bullet would in your head, what really do you want me to say?
When I highligted all the dangers and told you not to play Russian roulette?

Zambia is in terrible mess today.
Whichever way you look at it, things have fallen apart.

Zambia’s governance and economy are in a shambles today, a terrible quagmire.
People are suffering. The anguish in their loves is excruciating. They are squirming with disturbing economic pain, tossing and turning, turning and tossing as if in hell, the cost of living eroding all of the little dignity that had remained about them. They are like a flock with no shepherd.

But who tells you that giving governance and economic painkillers now, at this moment,is the solution that Zambia needs?
What if allowing this suffering to run its course is the required prescription?

Trust me, in the end, all things work out for good. Suffering may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning. Nothing lasts forever.
Balance is always restored.

Yes, talk might be cheap.
But experience is priceless. It never fails.

There is a time for all things.
Now this exactly explains why suffering is a good thing.

The Alchemist will tell you you that without fire purity cannot be attained.
The Refiner’s fire, Bible scholars call it..

Yes, the Catholics have purgatory.
I have my silence.

I may be the extinguisher, and I may have the water.
But for now, beloved, because of my undying love for you, with a smile on my face, a smile devoid of mirth, I will quietly watch you burn. 🔥❤

Dr Canisius BANDA
Development Activist

31 August 2024

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