Police scrutinising ECL’s statement- Hamoonga

Police scrutinising ECL’s statement- Hamoonga

February 27,2024-In response to recent events at Kabwata police station, we wish to emphasize that a police station is a protected place by law, and any misconduct within its premises will not be tolerated.

Today, the actions taken by Kabwata police were in accordance with the law. Mr. Nakachinda was released after due process, while those unlawfully camping at Kabwata were rightfully arrested. Notably, the arrest of Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba and three others was executed lawfully.

The police managed to confiscate three drums used by an unruly crowd, and these will serve as crucial evidence. A police station is not a playground for disorderly conduct, and individuals engaging in illegal activities within its confines are liable to be arrested.

Furthermore, the statement made by the Former Head of State, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, indicating that “People will rise,” is under careful scrutiny. The implications of such a statement is being assessed, and appropriate legal actions may be taken.

We reiterate the importance of respecting the law and maintaining order, emphasizing that a police station is not a venue for disruptive behavior. The police are committed to upholding the law and ensuring the safety and security of all citizens.

Rae Hamoonga

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