Mwaliteta reacts to Kateka

Mwaliteta reacts to Kateka

The New Heritage Party (NHP) leader Chishala Kateka must avoid exhibiting serious levels of ignorance of the law when dealing with important national matters regarding the Freedom to Assemble.

This is in respect of the Public Order Act requirements for any public assembly to provide names of speakers for any such planned public meeting.

The NHP has notified the Police to hold a public rally in Mandevu Constituency on June 1, but are neglecting to meet the requirements as provided for by the law.

For avoidance of doubt, madam Kateka may do well to acquaint herself with the provisions of the law, which states as follows;

4) Every person who intends to assemble or convene a public meeting, procession or demonstration shall give police at least seven days notice of that person’s intention to assemble or convene such a meeting, procession or demonstration.

5) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of the preceding subsection, the conditions which may be imposed under the provisions of the said subsection may relate to all or any of the following matters:
(a) the date upon which and the place and time at which the assembly, public meeting or procession is authorised to take place;
(b) the maximum duration of the assembly, public meeting or procession;
(c) in the case of an assembly or public meeting the persons who may or may not be permitted to address such assembly or public meeting and the matters which may not be discussed at such assembly or public meeting;
(d) the granting of adequate facilities for the recording of the proceedings of such assembly or public meeting in such manner and by such person or class of person as the regulating officer may specify:
Provided that such conditions may not require the convener of the
assembly or public meeting to provide equipment; and
(e) any other matter designed to preserve public peace and order.

We are aware that this is the first the Ms Kateka’s New Heritage Party is attempting to hold its first ever public rally since its formation.

The police are merely asking you Madam Kateka to meet the requirements of the law, but instead you are choosing to drug the name of Head of State in the UKA confusion.

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