Is Barotseland Watchdog funded and purchased by UKA as alleged by Barotseland Nationalist?

Is Barotseland Watchdog funded and purchased by UKA as alleged by Barotseland Nationalist?

Our answer is NO!

Are we restricted to post only issues of Barotseland?

Answer; NO. We can actually cover anyone including Angola or Zimbabwe.

Can we stop reporting about UKA and Zambian Political parties fearing the condemnation from the people of Barotseland?

Our answer: No. We shall continue reporting in all angles, after all most of the people who comment and follow us deeply now are Zambians and the people from Barotseland are few who follow us and comment here. They don’t even appreciate us.

Do we have connection to UKA as accused?

Our answer: We dont have even a single link. We can appreciate if they have purchased us as alleged. We have no problem. Please UKA purchase us as long as we dont give you right to our page!

Have we lost direction as Barotseland Watchdog?

Our answer: No. We are on the ball. It is people of Barotseland who are busy losing direction. They are the ones who are even bought live like village chickens.

Do we hate UPND? No. We just stand for the truth. UPND are enemies of themselves.

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