We take note of the statement from Mr Hakainde Hichilema in which he pledges to remain resolute in defending the Constitution and that he has no interest in manipulating it for his personal benefit.

However, we find it highly mischievous that Mr Hichilema is only willing to address and commit to maintain the five-year presidential term limit clause and not the other two contentious clauses, which are critical to the current debate, specifically: the removal of the 50%+1 presidential winning threshold and revert to First Past post electoral system to avoid a rerun, which we know he fears he can’t win, and the “Running Mate” clause for a vice-president. Why is Mr Hichilema conveniently avoiding to talk about these two clauses, which we know they form part of the Constitutional changes they are planning to do. Mr Hichilema has indicated that he has no intentions of extending the presidential five-year term limit and introduce a seven-year one. But what about the other two clauses, why is he silent on them? Why is he not assuring the country that he will correspondingly maintain the 50%+1 presidential winning threshold as well as the “Running Mate” clause for vice-president?

We challenge Mr Hichilema to come clean on these matters because we notice that he is deceptively ignoring the elephant in the room: the 50%+1 presidential winning threshold as well as the “Running Mate” clause for vice-president. Mr Hichilema should assure the country on these two clauses the same way he has done on the presidential term limit clause instead of playing hide and seek on straightforward matters. They can plot and deceive themselves all they want, but these secretly planned Constitutional amendments will be determinedly resisted because they have potential to weaken our democracy, intensify the political temperature and tension as well as stir up political instability. They are playing with fire! Let Mr Hichilema do the correct thing before it is too late. No amount of deception, lies and manipulation will work this time around. This madness must stop or else it will be rejected and punished heavily by the people. Uwafitala akaimwena!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party

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