UPND government renews its support for Morocco Reversing 2019 PF Decision to Cut Ties

Zambia has renewed its support for Morocco over Western Sahara.

Minister of Justice and Acting Foreign Affairs Minister Mulambo Haimbe conveyed his country’s position on Friday as he visited Rabat, where he held discussions with senior officials – including Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita.

Mr Haimbe emphasized the relevance of the Moroccan autonomy plan as the only “credible, serious and realistic” solution.

In a joint statement at the end of the meeting, Mr. Haimbe said his country fully supports the Moroccan Autonomy Plan as the only credible, serious, and realistic solution to the Sahara dispute.

He also renewed Zambia’s support for the UN-led political process, which he described as the most viable and realistic framework to achieve a feasible, practical, and sustainable solution to the decades-old territorial dispute.

In 2019, then Zambian foreign minister Henry Kalaba announced the country’s decision to cut off diplomatic ties with Western Sahara, in a move that shocked the diplomatic community.

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