No well meaning Zambian should continue supporting UKA in its current form because it’s Council of Presidents has been infiltrated and hijacked by hypocrites, UPND surrogates and sympathizers. Hence, the bickering, disrespect for former President Edgar Lungu and blocking him to lead the alliance in 2026 elections has been  filtering through social media daily.

Additionally, this is the main reason why from its establishment in February this year, UKA Council of Presidents has blocked every move by members to endorse the most popular opposition leader at the moment, former President Edgar Lungu, as UKA presidential candidate in 2026 elections.

The UKA-UPND surrogates have used several flimsy narratives for blocking the endorsement of ECL as presidential candidate. First, argue that the Constitutional Court will declare ECL ineligible to contest the 2026 elections. This narrative is flimsy because the Concourt has declared him eligible to do so in four prior similar cases. So, the Court is unlikely to run the risk of flip-flops this time around. In the dispensation of justice, multiple flip-flopping is tantamount to incompetence. This is according the ruling of the Judicial Complaints Commission Ruling in the Peter Chazya Sinkamba case of 2021. And the Concourt judges know this because they have the JCC Ruling.

The second flimsy narrative advanced by the surrogates is that UPND government is likely to harm the candidate if the candidate is namely early. This is total nonsense. There is no way that the UPND government can harm a presidential candidate. The Socialist Party named its candidate long time ago, and reiterated its position last weekend. President Fred Mmembe remains unharmed up to now, and will not be done so up to election 2026. Of course he has been subjected to several unjust arrests in the last three years, but that is bearable for revolutionaries. Only cowards will fear political harassment of that nature. Former President ECL is not a coward to fear such harassment.

Furthermore, the mistreament and removal of UKA Council of Presidents members Sean Tembo and Apostle Danny Pule, for supporting ECL as the presidential candidate in 2026 is another surrogates’ move intended to tilt the voting in the Council to be in favour of the UPND. In its current so called realignment, no voting on that Council will be in favour of ECL because all his supporters have been hounded out.

If these UKA leaders can be so shrewd and undemocratic before they even form government, what more when they form government?

Thus why we the Green Party, together with our colleagues in the New Era Democratic Party and United for Better Zambia party have move on after realizing that UKA in its current form is an enemy of the people hell bent to ensure the UPND status quo continues. We relaunched the People’s Pact last week and immediately endorsed former President ECL as our presidential candidate in 2026.

We have since received massive support across the country and urge all well meaning Zambians desiring regime change in 2026 to support ECL and the People’s Pact.

President Peter Sinkamba
People’s Pact movement Alliance chairperson.

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