A police officer has tragically lost his life after he was run over by the rear tyres of a Volvo truck in Kansenshi, Ndola, after he fell off a motorbike.

Copperbelt Province police commanding officer Peacewell Mweemba named the officer as Chisanga Simusamba, 43, of Kawama Police Post.

Mr Mweemba said the fatal incident occurred on Friday around 13:00 hours on Kwacha road at Kwacha-Makanta junction in Kansenshi.

“Involved in the road traffic accident was a motor vehicle, Volvo truck registration numbers BCD 1294zm and BCD 1297zm, which had no damages, [being] driven by James Banda, aged 42, of house number CH2584 Chifubu in Ndola,” he said.

“Also involved was a male police officer, Chisanga Simusamba, aged 43, of Kawama Police Post in Ndola.”

Mr Mweemba said the police officer sustained head injuries and was pronounced dead at Ndola Teaching Hospital (NTH).

He said the accident happened when the Volvo truck, which was being driven from north to south – Kansenshi to town – ran over the police officer with its rear tyres.

Mr Mweemba said the body has been taken to NTH mortuary awaiting post-mortem.

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