Press Briefing Statement (Part 1)


September 6th, 2024

• Members of the Press
• Fellow Zambians present, watching or listening virtually
• Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning,

I want to thank you all for being part of this press briefing, where we will discuss some of the most pressing issues and challenges affecting our great Nation. As the Patriotic Front in opposition, it was before and is now our duty to speak on behalf of the voiceless, address  issues head-on and offer practical solutions that can bring relief to majority ordinary Zambians.

1.0 PROBLEM : *High Cost of Living, High Fuel Prices and High Cost of Doing Business*

The cost of living in Zambia has reached alarming levels. Fuel prices continue to rise, putting additional strain on households and businesses. The cost of doing business has escalated, with many businesses shutting down while some entrepreneurs struggle to keep their operations afloat due to high taxes, expensive utilities, and the overall harsh economic conditions. These factors are exacerbating poverty and unemployment, making it increasingly difficult for the average Zambian to sustain their livelihood.

1.1 SOLUTIONS to the High Cost of Living and High Cost of Doing Business

As the Patriotic Front, we are proposing a multi-pronged strategy to address the high cost of living and doing business.
• A Review and reduction of fuel levies to bring down fuel prices and reduce transportation costs, which will also lower the cost of goods and services.
• Introduce tax incentives and reduce bureaucratic red tape for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to encourage entrepreneurship and job creation.
• Promote local production and investment in agriculture and manufacturing to reduce reliance on expensive imports and stabilize domestic prices.
• Improve energy security by investing in renewable energy projects and reducing reliance on costly fuel imports, which will lower energy costs for businesses and households.

2.0 PROBLEM : United Nations Human Rights Report on Government Suppression of Citizens

The recent report from United Nations experts on human rights has highlighted concerns about the Zambian government’s arbitrary actions against political opponents, the clergy, and journalists. The report points to the selective application of the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act, 2021 and *Sedition* which has been used to silence political dissent voices and restrict civil liberties. Such practices are a threat to democracy and Zambia’s standing on the global stage. What is Sedition anyways. It’s an archaic law that prohibits citizens from criticizing government which is at variance with tenent of multi party democracy. No wonder despite numerous charges slapped on various opposition citizens, there has hardly been trial or conviction. It seems only aimed at intimidating opposition with sleeping in the police cells for some days. 

2.1 Solutions to Address Human Rights Concerns and the Cyber Security Act & Sedition

The Rebranded Patriotic Front is committed to upholding democratic values, civil liberties, the rule of law and freedom of speech. To address these concerns, we propose the following:

– Immediate review and amendment of the Sedition and the Cyber Security Crimes Act of 2021, ensuring that it is applied fairly and does not infringe on the rights of citizens, political opponents, or the media. These are some of the law the UPND government criticised and promised to repeal once in power. They have ignored their promise and instead hugged these acts and unleashing them willy nilly at whoever speaks against the governance.

– Completely repeal the Public Order Act which is now known as the Public Gathering Act. This Act is a tool to infringe on the freedom of assembly of the opponents.

– Establish an independent oversight body to monitor the enforcement of laws like the Nolle and prevent their misuse for political gain. This body will ensure that laws are applied uniformly and transparently.

– Encourage open dialogue and reconciliation with civil society groups, the clergy, and the media, fostering a more inclusive political environment that respects differing viewpoints and promotes freedom of speech.

– Work closely with international human rights bodies to implement their recommendations and ensure that Zambia continues to uphold its commitments to international human rights standards.


Corruption remains rampant in key sectors such as mining  and the wanton abuse of state institutions like ZCCEM-IH, NAPSA, ZESCO etc . These scandals are diverting resources from development and undermining public trust. The abuse of security wings for personal gain and political intimidation further erodes confidence in government institutions. Corruption within the mining sector, in particular, has led to lost revenue and has negatively impacted Zambia’s economic potential.

3.1 SOLUTION to Corruption Scandals after Scandals

The Patriotic Front is fully committed to the fight against corruption at all levels of government. We propose:

• Strengthening the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and granting it full independence to investigate and prosecute corruption cases without political interference.

• Delinking state house from The ACC operations

• Enforcing stricter transparency measures within the mining sector and other key industries, ensuring that all transactions and contracts are publicly available and subject to audit.

• Launching a national anti-corruption campaign, aimed at educating the public and encouraging whistleblowers to come forward with information on corrupt practices.

• Stop the abuse of state institutions  like ZESCO, NAPSA , ZCCM-IH etc by letting these institutions operate  with autonomy in decision making and Investments . Rather than impose investments on these insitutions, give them autonomy and desist from imposing  decisions with huge financial implications.

4.0 PROBLEM: Other Recent Challenges Affecting Ordinary Citizens 

The Patriotic Front recognizes additional challenges that are deeply affecting the fabric of our nation, including the increasing loss of lives due to accidents, the troubling rise in suicides among young people, and the surge in abductions. These issues reflect deeper societal problems that must be urgently addressed.

– The rise in ROAD ACCIDENTS has led to the loss of countless lives, leaving families devastated and communities in mourning. Despite efforts to improve road safety, the number of accidents continues to climb, often due to poor infrastructure, reckless driving, and inadequate enforcement of traffic laws. The CJ Dr Mumba Malila is the latest victim of a road accident. On my own behalf, I wish him God’s intervention and  quick recovery from his wounds and frustrated left leg.

– SUICIDE among young people is becoming alarmingly common, signaling a mental health crisis in Zambia. Economic hardships, unemployment, social isolation, and lack of access to mental health services are contributing factors driving young people to desperation.

– ABUDUCTIONS have increased, causing fear and insecurity across the nation. This rise in criminal activity highlights the need for stronger law enforcement and greater community involvement in safeguarding vulnerable individuals, particularly women and children.

4.1 SOLUTIONS to the Increasing Loss of Lives, Suicides, and Abductions

The Rebranded Patriotic Front is committed to addressing these critical challenges with comprehensive solutions:

• ROAD Safety and Accident Prevention: We propose the implementation of stricter traffic regulations and improved enforcement to curb reckless driving. Additionally, government must  invest in upgrading road infrastructure, focusing on high-risk areas, and launch nationwide road safety awareness campaigns to educate the public on responsible driving.

• MENTAL Health Support for Youth: The Rebranded Patriotic Front  suggests that Government prioritize the creation of accessible mental health services, particularly for young people. Government must  establish more mental health centers, introduce community outreach programs, and integrate mental health education into schools to equip students with the tools to cope with emotional stress. Partnerships with civil society organizations should also be strengthened to offer counseling and crisis support services for those at risk.

• Combating ABDUCTIONS : government  must  enhance the capacity of law enforcement agencies to investigate and prevent abductions by introducing advanced investigative tools and increasing police patrols in high-risk areas. We also propose community policing initiatives, where citizens collaborate with security forces to protect vulnerable members of society. Furthermore, Govermnment  must  introduce stricter penalties for perpetrators involved in abductions and other violent crimes to deter such activities.

5.0 PROBLEM: Unprecedented LOAD SHEDDING & power crisis 

Our Nation has been terribly hit by the energy crisis which has plunged us into untold misery of loadshedding,crippling businesses and making production costs very high. Zambia is back to the UNIP darkness candles and braziers days.

5.1 Our SOLUTION to load shedding both in the long and short term.

– Government should FIRE the top management at ZESCO  and recall those who were prematurely retired who clearly have the institutional memory to efficiently run Zesco.

– Government should move away from over dependency on hydro power which has clearly failed us due to droughts and the effects of climate change. We urge Government to walk the talk in and invest in;

. Solar and thermal (Coal) powered electricity. Unbundle ZESCO by liberalizing production, distribution and vending of power. Have transparency and full disclosure of importers and exporters of power.

. Increase ZESCO wheeling charge . To use its grid, ZESCO must charge significant percentage of what is being paid by the end users to the private sector grid user and seller. The people of Zambia need to benefit in real terms on usage of their ZESCO grid infrastructure .

6.0 PROBLEM: MAIZE Shortages and AFLATOXIN Contamination

In recent months, we have been faced with a troubling development regarding the availability and safety of one of our nation’s staple foods—maize. Reports of widespread maize shortages coupled with incidents of maize contamination with aflatoxins, have raised serious concerns for both food security and public health in our country.

The Maize shortages have caused hardship for many households, increasing prices of mealie meal and putting immense pressure on families already struggling with the high cost of living. This situation is particularly alarming because Maize is a staple that sustains millions of Zambians.
Even more disturbing is the recent discovery of maize contaminated with aflatoxins, a toxic substance that poses severe health risks, including liver damage and cancer. This contamination threatens not only our food security but also the wellbeing of our citizens, especially the most vulnerable—children and the elderly.

6.1 SOLUTIONS to the Maize Shortages and Aflatoxin Contamination
As the Patriotic Front, we acknowledge the gravity of this crisis, and we propose a comprehensive set of solutions to address both the maize shortages and the contamination problem:

A) Strengthening Agricultural POLICIES and PRODUCTION:
The current maize shortages point to deeper issues within our agricultural sector, including poor planning and inconsistent support to farmers. We propose immediate measures to support farmers with affordable inputs, access to modern farming technology, and financial incentives to boost maize production. Additionally, we must prioritize climate-resilient agriculture to ensure a stable food supply even in times of adverse weather.

😎 Improving STORAGE and Handling:
Aflatoxin contamination is largely caused by poor storage and handling of maize. We must invest in modern and secure storage facilities at both the national and community levels to prevent moisture and fungal growth. Moreover, educating farmers on best post-harvest practices will reduce contamination risks.

C) Strict Regulatory OVERSIGHT and Testing:
We call for the immediate strengthening of regulatory bodies like the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) and the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) to enforce stricter monitoring and testing of maize for aflatoxins. This will ensure that only safe, uncontaminated maize reaches our markets and households.

D) Supporting LOCAL Farmers and Markets:
To address maize shortages, we must empower local farmers to produce more maize by providing better access to markets and reducing the costs associated with production. We propose the establishment of local processing centers to ensure that Zambians have access to affordable mealie meal and other maize products, reducing reliance on imports and stabilizing prices.

In response to the health risks posed by aflatoxins, we recommend a national awareness campaign to educate citizens about the dangers of consuming contaminated maize. The Ministry of Health must also enhance surveillance and provide medical support in areas affected by aflatoxin poisoning.

As a nation, we cannot afford to let our people suffer from preventable food shortages and health risks. The Patriotic Front remains committed to finding lasting solutions to this crisis. We must act swiftly to safeguard both the food security and health of our citizens.
I urge the government to take these recommendations seriously and act immediately to prevent further suffering. Together, we can overcome these challenges and ensure that every Zambian has access to safe and affordable food.

7.0 PROBLEM: Former and Current President Sour Relations

It seems the Nation is now polarized  with every being categorized as either pro President HH or pro former President ECL . It’s a very unhealthy situation and retrogressive for the Nation.

As for me neither is my enemy nor my friend. I don’t hate or love either one of them. I respect both because for the constitutional offices that they hold of incumbent and former President. Both are very important to the Country and that’s why both office holders need to be respected by all. All Countries where the two offices don’t get along, tend not to progress.

7.1 SOLUTION to President HH and Former President ECL non cordial relations.
– We should take a leaf from Kenya where President Ruto and Oppostion leader Raila Odinga have made a deliberate decision to support each other with former being sponsored  and campaigned for to take over as the Africa Union-Chairman. There have to make deliberate decision to harmonize their differences.


As I stand before you today, I am reminded of the words of one of Africa’s great leaders:

“A nation’s progress is not measured by the wealth of a few, but by the wellbeing of the many.”

It is with this vision that the Patriotic Front remains committed to ensuring that every Zambian, regardless of background or status, can enjoy the benefits of a prosperous, just, and democratic nation. Together, we can create a Zambia that works for all of us.

Let me reiterate that the Patriotic Front remains a party of action and solutions. We have outlined clear strategies to tackle the high cost of living, restore our democracy, fight corruption, and address the safety and mental wellbeing of our people. It is through collective effort that we will overcome the challenges that face us.

I call upon all Zambians to unite in building a better future. As a party, we will continue to hold the government accountable and push for the policies that put the interests of the people first. Thank you all for your attention, and I look forward to engaging further in the days ahead.


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