Police open investigations into sexual abuse allegations against ZNS Commander

Police open investigations into sexual abuse allegations against ZNS Commander

Zambia police spokesperson Rea Hamoonga has confirmed that Police have opened investigations into allegations of sexual assault and incest by socialite Florence Solochi against the ZNS Commander.

But the police statement seen by the Zambian Business Times – ZBT conspicuously omitted mentioning the accused Lieutenant General Solochi by name as he is still serving as Zambia National Service – ZNS Commander.

General Solochi is a high ranking defence appointee and is yet to be suspended to pave way for independent investigations, with sources within police expressing concerns on how feasible it would be to do the actual investigations of a serving senior security officer.

A statement released by Police Spokesperson Hamoonga dated 2 April, 2024 seen by ZBT stated that “Police has taken an interest in a matter that was circulated on social media involving allegations of sexual assault by individual identified as Florence Solochi”

“[Police] today April 2, 2024 did summon Florence Solochi for an interview in Kabwe, which details we will be availed to the public once investigations have been concluded”, stated the police spokesperson.

There have been mounting calls and pressure by the church, #womensrights groups, #girlchildrights activists, #mentalhealth experts, influential bloggers, journalists and the general public that Lieutenant General Maliti Solochi be suspended to pave way for credible and independent investigations to clear the air due to the gravity of the allegations.

Despite concerns that it’s practically impossible to seriously investigate a serving commander and to even allow other security wings like police (considered lower in hirachy among the security wings) to do their work without hindrance, Police have since initiated investigations anyway.

Socialite Florence Solochi in an emotional and hysterical Facebook live video which went viral accused her guardian family and uncle General Solochi of sexually abusing her as a child and that one of his son’s subjecting her to incest without recourse even after reporting the incidences to family members.

Another Florence Solochi video was later leaked on social media where she was being forcibly admitted into a mental hospital but public outrage and concerns that she was being silenced were not addressed. It remains to be seen how this matter will be followed through to its logical conclusion.

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