PF MPs continue pushing for Mile Sampa’s removal from party presidency

PF MPs continue pushing for Mile Sampa’s removal from party presidency

NINE PF members of parliament who were expelled from parliament by matero member of parliament Miles Sampa have filed another case against the latter challenging his election as president of the party.

The nonet wants the Lusaka High Court to grant them a permanent injunction stopping Sampa from masquerading as the president of the party.

Mporokoso member of parliament Brian Mundubile and eight others want an order restoring the register of the party’s leadership at the Registrar of Societies to its status quo prior to his election on October 24, 2023.

Others are Ronald Chitotela, Nickson Chilangwa, Musonda Mpankata, Christopher Kang’ombe, Remember Mutale, Stephen Kampyongo, Mulenga Fube and Mutotwe Kafwaya.

In their statement of claim the nine say following Sampa’s purported election the latter has made various decisions to expel them from the party through letters issued to them December 6,2023 and copied the speaker of the National Assembly

They said since the purported election of the defendant as party president, the plaintiff’s have individually and it severally commenced actions challenging the validity of Sampa’s election as President of the party.

“The aforesaid matters have either been dismissed for want of jurisdiction or multiplicity by the High Court or Constitutional Court,” Mundubile and his colleagues said.

“None of the matters have determined the question of the propriety of Sampa’s election as President of the party and there is currently no matter challenging his position.”

They said Sampa continues to hold himself out as president of the party and by virtue of his conduct they have suffered and continue to suffer grave loss and damage.

They are seeking a declaration that Sampa contravened the party’s regulations and electoral regulations and Articles 20(1)(e), 46(4), 52,58(k), and 64 of the PF party constitution.

Mundubile and others want a declaration that by contravening the party’s regulations, party’s Electroal Regulations, and the party constitution Sampa contravened Article 60(2) of the constitution of Zambia.

The nine wants the court to pronounce that Sampa violated and continues to violate their right to assemble and associate freely with other members of the party for the protection of their interests guaranteed by Article 21 and as applied by Articles 60(2) of the constitution.

They are seeking a declaration that the election of Sampa on Independence Day last year is null and void ab initio for breach of the party’s Electroal Regulations, party constitution and article 60 (2) of the constitution.

They also have any an order quashing his election as PF president and a declaration that the appointments and decisions he made have no legal effect.

By Mwaka Ndawa

Kalemba July 16, 2024.

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