The parties that later formed the UNITED KWACHA ALLIANCE in their first presser of 31st January 2024 made a clarion call to all Political Parties, the Church, Traditional Leaders, NGOs, Students in institutions of Higher learning, researchers, Academics and all Zambians of like mind, in and out of the country, to rally around the national cause of saving Zambia from the growing despondency.

We pointed out that the despondency came about because the Zambian people have a general sense of disillusionment with the politics, economics and governance of our nation.

It is clear that The Zambian people are;

Disillusioned by the Political Governance of our country and displeased by the Shrinking Democratic Space. 

Stifled by the Gagging of Citizens through legislation like the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act and the laws on criminal defamation. There is now the dreadful proposed amendment to the Independent Broadcast Authority Act.

Even Laura Miti, who is a commissioner appointed by President Hakainde to the Human Rights Commission, has condemned the proposed ammendment to the IBA Act. Surely this government should listen to its own appointed Human Rights Commission.

The UNITED KWACHA ALLIANCE has taken note of the letter by OCIDA to the American Ambassador to Zambia His Excellency Michael Gonzales in which they have stepped up to take on the challenge that UKA has made.

The OCIDA letter is calling for targeted sanctions against certain individuals.

Who can deny that OCIDA plays an important role in giving the nation a conscious? OCIDA has been touted by even the UPND as a credible organisation. Indeed prior to 2021 OCIDA were clearly in President Hakainde’s corner.

OCIDA therefore have no axe to grind and cannot therefore be accused of being ‘bitter”.

The OCIDA statement in paragraph two states that they are deeply alarmed by the continued abuse of institutions of governance and the erosion of democracy in Zambia today under the leadership of President Hakainde Hichilema and his ruling United Party for National Development (UPND).

Of particular concern to OCIDA, and many others such as UKA, are the violations of democratic rights such as the right to public assembly, free speech, freedom of association, and the right to a speedy trial.

These are also the concerns of several other organisations such as the Zambian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Law Association of Zambia and Chapter One Foundation and ourselves (UKA) who have called on the Zambian Government to respect and enable the expression of these fundamental democratic rights.

Even diplomats such as the British, Americans, Swedes and others have been making statements that they have concerns regarding the shrinking democratic space.

Individuals like Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa, Professor Muna Ndulo, State Counsel John Sangwa, State Counsel Linda Kasonde, activist Brebnar Changala and many others have pointed out areas and incidents when officials in this government have clearly strayed offside.

There is no doubt that many individuals and Organizations will be sending supplemental petitions and letters to the American Embassy providing evidence in particular areas they agree with the OCIDA letter. Indeed some may even point out new and further areas and institutions of concern.

We as UKA shall certainly do so.

OCIDA points out that combined calls for reform and reversal of these undemocratic practices have fallen on deaf ears. OCIDA notes that we have instead witnessed, over the last several months, further restrictions on the rights of citizens.

OCIDA in its letter observes that, “Public rallies by opposition parties continue to be banned by the Zambia Police Service, the Judiciary continues to engage in what appears to be wilful delay of the resolution of urgent political matters affecting the main opposition party, the Executive arm of government continues to interfere in the operations of other institutions, the leadership of the national assembly continues to undermine democracy in parliament, critics of the government continue to face intimidation and threats from state institutions and public officials, and leaders of the opposition continue to face arrest from the police based on what appears to be politically motivated charges. ”

This is indeed the biggest news item and should be headline in all media. This is the first time in Zambia’s history that sanctions have been called for against any Zambian.

All state-controlled media have been instructed to treat the letter as if it does not exist. It is like a child covering his eyes with his hands thinking that this makes him invincible and you cannot see him.

This news is however already being reported on foreign outside news outlets and is going viral.

It is surprising that governments response, thus far, is to stick their head in the sand like an ostrich with nowhere to hide.

This matter will not just disappear and go away.

Tomorrow President Hakainde addresses Parliament on the application of National Values and Principles.

Zambians are keenly looking to see how President Hakainde will respond to the serious allegations in the OCIDA letter.

The Americans are going to be wide awake to see if President Hakainde has credible and believable answers to the questions raised in the OCIDA letter.

International and local investors will make decisions as to whether or not to invest in Zambia depending on how President Hakainde will be able to provide proof that there should be no worries concerning continued abuse of state institutions like the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Independent Broadcasting Authority, the Zambia Police Service, the National Assembly of Zambia, and the Judiciary.

We call upon President Hakainde to ask his Presidential team to tear up the speech they have prepared for him to deliver to Parliament on the progress made (if any) in the application of National Values and Principles tomorrow.

They should burn the midnight oil tonight into the early dawn and come up with a new address to Parliament that will address the issues raised in OCIDA’s letter point by point.

If they find it difficult to respond to the issues raised in the OCIDA letter by tomorrow, President Hakainde should postpone his Parliamentary Presidential address to next week Friday. There is already a precedent set of postponing this address as President Hakainde had postponed the address from last Friday to tomorrow.

A sugar-coating address tomorrow to Parliament will not do.




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