NO TRANSFERS: New Teachers Must Serve In Their Designation

NO TRANSFERS: New Teachers Must Serve In Their Designation

Government says it will not tolerate requests for transfers by newly recruited teachers now that they are in the Government system.

Information and Media Permanent Secretary, THABO KAWANA says each teacher is supposed to report to their station as guided in the appointment letters.

Mr. KAWANA has also dismissed social media reports of teachers flooding the National Science Centre waiting for their appointment letters because the process is nearing completion.

Speaking when he checked on the progress made, the Information and Media Permanent Secretary also warned those with fake credentials not to appear because the Examinations Council of Zambia –ECZ- is at hand to check the authenticity of their qualifications.

Meanwhile, Education Permanent Secretary for Administration NORIANA MUNEKU said over 90 percent of teachers have received their appointment letters.

Mrs. MUNEKU said the only ones that are appearing at the collection centre are those that need corrections on salary grades and duty stations.

Credit: ZNBC

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