Musokotwane decision to borrow More is reckless
By The Economist
We have seen a letter from the Speaker of Parliament recalling Parliament to reconvene on 17 December 2024. The subject matter at hand is to consider the Report of the Planning and Budgeting committee on the Revised Annual Borrowing Plan for 2024.
We also note that the Minister of Finance has twice taken supplementary budgets to parliament in 2024. Does this mean this government cannot forecast their borrowing needs way ahead of time or is this just sheer incompetence by the Ministry of Finance?
If you are all over the place in a 12 months cycle of 2024, how can we have any confidence in your 2025 budget you presented and approved by parliament?
The 2024 budget was revised under the pretext of the impact of drought. Surely, at that stage all these other factors and needs should have been taken into account.
This is a clear evidence of chipante pante
Musokotwane decision to borrow More is reckless