Outgoing Dictator Hakainde Hichilema may be seen by his Cult followers to have many qualities as a leader. But integrity and honesty  cannot among them.

Therefore, when turncoat Chama South (Patriotic Front) member of Parliament Davison Mung’andu describes Dictator Hichilema as a leader of integrity and honesty, he is inadvertently forcing people to focus on the very characteristics on which he is extremely vulnerable.

If Mung’andu does not know this then he is a fool. If he does, then he is deliberately decampaigning Outgoing Dictator Hichilema by urging Zambians to debate this failing President’s now legendary lack of integrity and honesty.

For the subject of Outgoing Dictator Hichilema’s lack of integrity, and his dishonesty, are actually the favourite subjects of the political opposition.

Dictator Hichilema is haunted by the false promises he made of reducing mealie meal prices to K50, fuel prices to K17 per litre, causing exchange rate to get to K12 to 1US dollar four hour after his inauguration as President.

The exchange rate is souble what it was in 2021. His promise to lower  the cost of living  so that all Zambian households can have three meals a day is worse because the opposite has happened. The cost of living has trebled from 2021 level and many have to do with one meal per day.

On the governance side, Dictator Hichilema’s most quoted promise was to repeal the Cyber security and cyber crime laws, because they were restricting citizens’ freedom of expression.

Then there is the infamous declaration he made while touring the Copperbelt, and seeing for himself the devastation wrought on the livelihoods of Zambians as a result of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) atrocious corporate culture. He announced publicly that his government would not give back KCM to Vedanta because they were not good corporate citizens.

A couple of years down the line, he handed KCM back to Vedanta, without any apology or explanation to the Zambians he told this would not happen.

Do all these resonate with integrity of character? No, rather these things suggest that Outgoing Dictator Hichilema will do anything to keep himself in power, including lying and doing the opposite of what he promised publicly.

If Davison Mung’andu was unaware of all these things, he would be excused for misapplying the words integrity and honesty to the character of Outgoing Dictator Hichilema. But since he knows these things, it can be concluded that he is doing so deliberately so that he ignites on-going character debate, knowing we’ll Dictator Hichilema’s vulnerabilities.

Perhaps it is the fact that Mung’andu himself has no idea what integrity and honesty mean. During the sad episode of illegal cancellation of safari hunting concessions in some hunting blocks, including one in his own constituency, Mung’andu abandoned midway the cause of fighting for the local communities who lost their livelihoods as a result of that action.

Now he knows that with elections approaching, those same communities will repay him for his treachery. In his desperation to please the UPND and have them adopt him to stand in 2026,  Mung’andu seems to have lost his mind.

He cannot be in his right mind talking about Outgoing Dictator Hichilema being a leader with integrity and honesty. He is exposing him to scrutiny in the area of his greatest weakness.

John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
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