
To the media,

Take notice that upon re-examination of my statement during a press briefing that I hosted on Wednesday, 3rd July, 2024, I do hereby unequivocally apologise to you members of the fourth estate.

I have observed that I digressed to deal with a matter that dragged you- the hard working media houses as my opponents and caused you to feel threatened.

As a leader, it is imperative that such identified errors after scrutiny of my conscious, should be clarified or corrected.

My statement was meant to caution individuals behind rogue social media platforms that report and take pleasure in falsehoods.

Therefore, find here my apology to you that were hurt by my statement.

I further would like to state that I support the media fraternity that has worked so hard to disseminate information to the general public.

Furthermore, my statement was intended at warning the rogue cyber bullying addicts that have ravaged our society and to some extent caused loss of life.

It is in that context that I erroneously attacked you the hard working noble media or our journalists, which was not my intention.

To the media houses and staff, I remain indebted to you all and look forward to continued interaction as usual.

God bless you all,

Robert Chabinga MP
President Patriotic Front

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