Luwingu Magistrates Court has sentenced a 28 year old man of Chelstone Compound in Luwingu to five years imprisonment with hard labour for breaking into the building and committing a felony.

Danzel Chilungu was yesterday convicted by Resident Magistrate Maybin Kapaya for breaking into the building and committing a felony there by stealing grocery items worth K18, 737.00

This is contrary to Section 303(a) of the Penal Code and Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Facts before the court were that Chilunga on April 20, 20 2024 broke into the building and stole groceries worth K18,737 belonging to Collins Makome, a school Head teacher of Chiponde Primary School.

When the matter came up for plea, Danzel pleaded guilty to the charge but regretted the act as read to him by Resident Magistrate Kapaya.

He told the Magistrate that no one gave him permission to enter the shop and steal property.

Police in Luwingu district only managed to recover two Romeo bathing soap, a Dettol soap, Yebo soap, three bottles of cough mixer, tubes of hair remover, toothpaste, and 1kg cream milk worth K324.

Other items were sold to a businessman who is currently on the run.

In mitigation Danzel said he was studying at Lukashya Trade Institute, adding that if sent to prison he would suffer.

He said he was also a breadwinner for people he was keeping at home.

And Resident Magistrate Kapaya said he was forced to impose a stiffer penalty to deter would be-offenders.

“This would act as a deterrent measure for other youths who might fall in the same criminal category to refrain from this act,” he explained.

Magistrate Kapaya jailed Danzel for five years with hard labour from the day he was arrested.

Meanwhile, the other count where Danzel is facing another charge has been pushed to May 23, 2024 for commencement of trial.

This is in a matter where Danzel is alleged to have broken into a building and committed a felony, contrary to Section 303(a) of the penal code and Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Facts before the court are that Danzel and Brighton Bupe while acting together with others unknown stole property worth over K300, 000 from a boutique at Kamango market in the Chipalo area.

His co-accused was last week jailed five years with hard labour after he admitted to the charge.


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