It’s ok to storm Police Station and beat up officers, it’s ok to urinate in the mouth of a journalist, leave JJ Banda alone – Fred M’membe

Fred M’membe
Fred M’membe


Mr Hakainde Hichilema misconducted himself at yesterday’s press conference in the manner he handled the issue regarding the enforced abduction and disappearance of Petauke Central Independent Member of Parliament Mr Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda.

Looking at the contradictions in stories from the police and Jay Jay’s lawyers on what really transpired on that ill-fated day, with two members of his close staff at State House cited of involvement, one would have expected Mr Hichilema to truthfully and fairly address the issue. Him being the man in charge, we anticipated him to connect the missing links and give clarity, accuracy and neutrality to the issue. We thought the matter would be put to rest and those involved exposed and left to the mercy of the country’s justice system.

Regrettably, Mr Hichilema, who stands aware of the controversy surrounding this issue conveniently disregarded the issue by anchoring the discourse on trivialities and giving highly subjective sentiments, and latching on an old issue involving Jay Jay. Why is Mr Hichilema avoiding to discuss Jay Jay’s enforced abduction and disappearance issue? The nation is interested in hearing the truth on this issue and not the diversionary tactics he is administering.

In any case, the old issue he raised yesterday on Jay Jay, the same one he said must be revisited, was ruled upon by the Lusaka High Court. Jay Jay and his co-accused were ordered to pay K150 each or serve three (3) months imprisonment if they default, and Jay Jay paid the fine. The third accused person in the matter, Mr Maxwell Pito, who was found guilty of assaulting a police officer was sentenced to one year imprisonment with hard labour and he served.

So, what matter does Mr Hichilema want to be reopened? Because this matter was settled by the High Court and the culprit punished. So matters whose judgments Mr Hichilema doesn’t agree with must be taken back to court? Let him appeal if its not out of time but that is not justice, its vindictiveness. And why does he hate Jay Jay so much? What has Jay Jay done to him?

And the other matter which happened in Eastern Province they want to reopen was concluded in court and Jay Jay was fined.

Instead of finding Jay Jay’s abductors and bringing them to justice, Mr Hichilema wants to reopen a matter which was concluded. Even the person who beat up the police officer admitted and was jailed for it? So why this hatred and bitterness against a private citizen? Why is Mr Hichilema so resolved on fixing people and not the economy and the cost of living? There is too much negative energy and hatred towards political opponents, why?

Also, this same Jay Jay, they want to vilify and destroy today, they wanted him to their side. They wanted to work with him, and when they realized that their plans were unworkable because Jay Jay was too close to Mr Edgar Lungu and the PF they decided to go for him, to punish him. What type of politics are these? What hatred is this?

Let Mr Hichilema stop choosing crimes to investigate and prosecute. As President, he cannot be the judge and the jury. Civilized societies don’t work that way.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


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