Guest Article

The nation has witnessed unprecedented malicious disclosure of Honourable Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda’s health at press briefings being held by Minister of Home Affairs Jack Mwiimbu. He went as far as saying Jay Jay Banda has a long history of “HERNIA” and “EPILEPSY.” This must be stopped forthwith. Jay Jay Banda is a human being with rights and privacy.

Jack Mwiimbu, Thabo Kawana and Matembo have made it their habit to deliberately disclose the private health condition of Hon. Emmanuel Jay Banda as a way of occassioning ridicule, discrimination and stigma.

To top it off, no medical practitioner or health stakeholders have come out to outrightly condemn this inhumane treatment being occassioned on Jay Jay Banda and his family.

Whether Jay Jay Banda is a criminal as they want to portray him, because he is innocent until proven guilty, he deserves humane treatment and human dignity.

This excitement we are witnessing is really disheartening. The hate being poured at briefings, just goes to show what they habour in their hearts as govt towards those who don’t agree with them.

It is wrong to publish records of people’s health whether in prison or police custody. How will Jack Mwiimbu feel if the same is said about him, that he has been battling a medical condition so and so on a public forum. Much as it is no public secret that many Zambians know the health statuses of many public figures, out of human respect, no one talks about them in public. Because your health is private until one decides to disclose themselves.

We are calling upon medical practitioners to condemn in the strongest terms this barbaric acts by Hon. Jack Mwiimbu.

Much as we know, Jay Jay has not given consent to any medical officer to publish his medical condition, and therefore it is his right of confidentiality to remain private.

The paramount issue is that such publications violate the right to privacy and confidentiality that are protected by the Zambian Constitution. These rights are also protected under medical ethical rule on confidentiality. Therefore any person’s medical status may only be disclosed to a person or group if that patient consents to it being made known to that person.

In a Christian nation, we have deteriorated to such level of inhumane treatment of our fellow citizens just because we are ministers, so we get unfettered authority to ridicule others in public because we are in power. This makes sad reading. This must be stopped, if Jack Mwiimbu has nothing to say, let him keep quiet. He takes every opportunity to ridicule the wives as though that makes a substantial contribution to his bogus investigations and scripted updates just aimed at misleading the nation.

Let govt end the stigma and discrimination against Jay Jay this is an important step to improving individual health and protecting the public’s health and begins by taking positive action to condemn malicious publication of people’s medical records without consent.

Hon. Jack Mwiimbu is a practicing Catholic, and this behaviour is categorically unChristian and highly immoral and unethical to say the least. We call upon the church to call him to order lest he corrupts society.

Sometime this year in May the country woke up with the news that Petauke central Law maker Hon Emmanuel Jay Banda has been abducted there was a very big demand by the Zambian people that Hon Banda should be released by those people who abducted him .
After the Demand by the Zambian people Jay Jay Banda was found in kafue ,the family decided to take him to a private facility midlands hospital, to their big surprise ,the government dished out over 200 police officers to go and fetch him out from midlands hospital CT Scan despite the family rejecting, the Government used force to take Emmanuel Banda to Maina soko Military hospital from there we started getting too many versions from the permanent secretary for Media and information Thabo Kawana and Permanent secretary for Home Affairs Matembo it became very interesting.

Jay Jay Banda was kept at Maina soko under security restrictions which they didn’t allow any member of the public to go and visit him reason best known to themselves the government, the next thing we heard is that he has been taken to police force head quarters Command center they wanted to start interrogating him without his lawyers ,the reason they wanted to interrogate him without his lawyers, the Government knows the reason for doing that and Jay Jay Banda refused he said “I can only be interogatted in the presence of my lawyer” the first day it didn’t work the second day Emmanuel Banda told the authority the names of the people who abducted him .

These people have never been summoned by the authority for questioning ,the reason why these people haven’t been interrogated is only known by the government.

The next thing Jay Jay Banda was sneaked from the force headquarters by the officers who took him to Kabwata police station where they wanted to detain him unfortunately the state he was in could not allow them to detain him .

Jay Jay Banda was moved to sikanze Hospital ,the next thing the nation was told is that Jay Jay has been transferred to chipata central police provincial head quarters ,the government didn’t care even to ask the people who were mentioned By Hon Jay Jay Banda that they are the people who abducted him.

During the press briefing President Hakainde Hichilema told the Zambian people that there is one thug who went to terrorise the police at Lusaka central police nothing happened to him he said ,”he though he will get away with the law” he used the Bemba term saying” umulandu taubola” because one wonders if the President consults the government chambers on whatever he says concerning the law ,all the matters regarding Hon Jay Jay Banda have gone to court and the process has been done so you wonder what law is President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND Government using .

The next thing the Zambian people heard was that Jay Jay has been charged with aggravated Robery and attempted murder and this is the case which happened in vubwi over 8 years ago which involved a post journalist who was compensated through the magistrate. From that time Jay Jay has been in the hands of state security .

Sunday 4th August around 21:30 the nation and the world received the news that Petauke Law maker has escaped from the hospital through the window ,people who have been to chipata central hospital fast track ward ,this ward is on the third floor where Emmanuel Banda was admitted from the side ward where he was admitted where the state claimed he escaped it’s almost 15-20 meters to the ground ,a person who went though an operation with an underlying condition.
How could he have the energy to jump that height?

The Zambian people are very disappointed with the UPND Government, the way they have abrogated the law and the constitution with impunity.

Politicians in Zambia should learn lessons from what happened to Blaise comapaore former President president of Burkina Faso he engineered the ass@sination of the late
President Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso
After that he ruled Burkina Faso for 27 years and committed a lot of atrocities against the people of that country and he was removed from the government by the power of the people.

After he was removed from power the Government of that Country constittued the commission of enquires to review his atrocities and abrogation of the law he committed.

Everybody who was involved had to face the law, Blaise comapaore was sentenced to life in prison .

That’s why it’s a lesson that when you have been given an opportunity to serve in the constitutional office you have to follow the constitution and law.

We want to make this humble appeal to the two leaders from Eastern province Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni speaking people and Paramount Chief Kalonga Gawa Undi of the Chewa speaking people to stand on behalf of their son Hon Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda and Engage the government of President Hakainde Hichilema and UPND Government because Jay Jay hasn’t committed any crime also there is nothing wrong with offering solidarity to their own child.

These happened during the incarceration of President Hakainde Hichilema in opposition all the chiefs from southern province used to visit him in kabwe at mukobeko maximum prison every day, they used to demand for his release they had to engage the international community, the church and other stake holders.

Chief Mukuni spearhead this campaign for his release despite him commiting a crime a traffic offense putting the state presidents life in danger.

This is why we are appealing to our two leaders to stand for their own child .
Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda did not commit the offenses he is being charged with ,this has been a political vengeance.

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