…as he discloses that there are threats to his life and plans to bar him from standing as a presidential candidate and plans to destroy the Patriotic Front….
Lusaka- Sunday, 27th October 2024
Zambia’s Sixth President, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu has disclosed that he was personally crashed when he learnt of the death of President Michael Chilufya Sata on October 28th 2014.
He said he had great hopes that President Sata would recover from his illness and continue to rule after 2016 and retire in 2021.
He also explained that he chose to continue with Mr. Sata’s vision when he took over as President of the Republic ofnZambia in 2024.
Speaking when he featured on the Conversation Podcast with Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba, President Lungu also disclosed that there were active threats against his life including active plans to bar him to stand as a presidential candidate and also active plans to destroy the Patriotic Front.
He said it puzzled many people when he said he had no vision of his own as he was following the Party’s and Government programs to promote continuity.
He said he always regretted that good programs by UNIP were abandoned by the new government of MMD.
He said it should be good practice that the new government pickedĀ best programs and also consult the predecessor of the past government.
He also revealed that during the 2021 elections when Member of the Central Committee Jackson Kungo was killed, there was pressure to have the election cancelled but he had to look at the interest of the country and take action that did not escalate the tensions in the country.
President Lungu also bemoaned the dismissal of seven judges in 3 years.
He said judges cannot be fired like hand maids. He said the country needs to tighten laws and regulations to prevent the erosion of security of tenure of judges.
He said he returned to politics to save democracy, rule of law and the Patriotic Front.
He said it was regrettable that those that tormented Mr. Sata in life have continued to attempt to destroy the party he founded.
He also said it was difficult to engage in dialogue or reconciliation under the environment where he was being persecuted.
He also called for forgiveness and unity in the Patriotic Front and the country.
He said the PF was people’s choice to save the country.