I left bag of mealie meal at K80. UPND has taken it to K460 –  Edgar Lungu

I left bag of mealie meal at K80. UPND has taken it to K460 –  Edgar Lungu

Fellow Citizens,

Today, the 12th August, marks exactly three years since Zambians from all walks of life came out in numbers to vote and consequently, the new dawn government under President Hichilema was voted into power and I gracefully handed over as a true democrat.

When I look back, I must say I am a proud Former President  because my PF government left a better legacy in general terms as compared to the the legacy of the UPND government so far after their three years in office. Despite the enormous challenges that my government encountered, we tried to manage and ensure that the cost of living and prices of basic commodities were low to moderate for our people as compared to the status quo now.

As you all may recall, at the time of my handover in August 2021, I left a 25 kg bag of mealie meal priced between K90 and K120. Today, a 25 kg bag of mealie meal costs between K340 and K460, depending on the place, the price of fuel was K17 but is now an unstable at K33.47. In 2021, I remember that a 50 kg bag of fertilizer was K600. Today, the same bag of fertilizer is costing K1,200. During my time, a 2 kg package of sugar was K45. Today, the same package of sugar is selling above K75. You can add more items and do a better comparison yourselves!

This year, l discovered that almost all essential commodities have not just become so expensive, but that our manufacturing sector has decided to start packaging many products into “Pamela” sizes (smaller sizes) because most ordinary Zambians cannot afford standard packages we left in 2021. This is more depressing and disappointing for those in power.

Today, I know that thousands of Zambians can no longer afford three meals in a day, something many took for granted during my time because we had bumper harvests and guaranteed food security. It pains me to learn that, this year, more than 6 million people are threatened with starvation while this government is celebrating three years in power. Nothing has been fixed!

In terms of electricity, you all know that my administration had put in place strategic and practical measures to end load shedding in Zambia and that we left the stage in August 2021 with energy assurance for households and the industry. Today, our people are witnessing the worst electricity crisis ever in the history of our country. A critical analysis reveals that our mining sector is not spared: our sovereign wealth and economic benefits extracted from our minerals has shrunk to poorer and lower figures in 2024 than it was three years ago.

Anywhere in the world, a good government advocates for public policies and strategies that seek and insure stable economic growth, inclusive development and affordable environment for all citizens than perpetuating massive poverty, economic inequality, citizen hardships, social misery and bankruptcy for the governed people. This is certainly shameful!

On this day, 12th August, exactly three years since UPND was voted into power, I call upon all Zambians to introspect honestly from where we were in August 2021 to where we are in all sectors of life. It is only then that, we will seriously pledge to redeem ourselves again sooner or later by restoring inclusive democratic rule, good governance, pro poor policies, respect for human rights and support for basic needs of our people in a legitimate and democratic manner.

Thank you, may God continue to bless and protect Zambia !

Edgar Chagwa Lungu

Sixth President of Zambia

Patriotic Front President

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