Hon. Maureen Mabonga suffered a suspected heart attack

Hon. Maureen Mabonga suffered a suspected heart attack

There was commotion today at Ibex hill police station where Hon. Maureen Mabonga, the Member of Parliament for Mfuwe Constituency collapsed at in cells. She has been at Ibex police station as a political prisoner since Tuesday May 28, 2024.

Relatives noticed her laying motionless on the floor of the cell but police couldn’t evacuate her to the nearest clinic because they were waiting for instructions and fuel.

A family member who is also a doctor then insisted on using their vehicle to a private hospital but the police insisted on going to Mina Soko.

She’s currently admitted to Maina Soko in a condition described as stable but delicate as doctors suspect she suffered a heart attack due to some missed heart beats.

Currently, ZP are trying to take her back to the cells against medical advice much to the dismay of the family….

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