A vicious family legal battle is brewing in the Lusaka High Court where the-once-wealthy former republican vice-president Enoch Kavindele has been sued by his own flesh and blood, Enoch Kavindele Junior, over property inheritance.

Despite being named after his daddy, Enoch Jr, a Lusaka-based camera man has sued his father for withholding property documents related to three valuable properties in Lusaka, which are registered in his grandmother’s name Maria Senda Mampata – the mother of Enock Sr.

He is seeking an Order compelling the former vice President to hand over possession of Certificate of Title No. L7179 relating to Lot No. 7273/M, Lusaka, Certificate of Title No. 6167 relating to Lot No. 7290/M, Lusaka and the Certificate of Title relating Lot No. 7291/M, Lusaka.

The muscular photographer is also is seeking an order restraining Kavindele from interfering with the lawful possession and making any entries through the Registrar of Lands and Deeds on Lot No. 7273/M, Lusaka, Lot No. 7290/M, Lusaka and Lot No. 7291/M,

He wants damages for inconvenience occasioned to him by his father Enock Sr, and interest on all sums found to be due.

In his statement of claim Enoch Jr. said he was suing his father by virtue of a Power of Attorney granted to him by his grandmother on August 13, 2024.

“The Donor is the legally registered owner of Lot No. 7273/M, Lot No. 7290/M and Lot No. 7291/M all situate in the Lusaka Province of the Republic of Zambia,” Enock jr said.

“On August 13, 2024, the donor executed a Power of Attorney in favour of the Plaintiff wherein he was authorized to administer all matters relating to the properties.”

Enoch Jr. said he was authorized to execute, sign, seal with his own name on behalf of the Donor and deliver all deeds, instruments, documents, contracts and writings which may become necessary for the fulfilment of any transactions relating to the properties.

He said the power of attorney gave him authority to receive all rentals and other proceeds relating to the properties on behalf of the Donor and administer them for her.

Enoch Jr. said other conditions among others was to restrict any third party from administering the properties in any way.

He said since the acquisition of the properties by his grandmother in 2002, the Certificates of Title for properties have been in the possession and custody of his father Enock Kavindele snr.

Enoch Jr said upon obtaining the Power of Attorney, he engaged his father to hand over possession of the three certificates of title to enable him undertake his duties under the Power of Attorney based on the general and specific instructions of Maria Senda Mampata.

He said his father has outrightly refused to hand over the certificates of title despite several requests and demands to do so.

“The plaintiff has therefore been unable to undertake his duties under the Power of Attorney, which include timebound transactions, due to the defendant’s continued refusal to handover the certificates of title,” said Enoch Jr.

“By virtue of the defendant’s conduct, the donor (Maria Senda Mampata) has suffered and continues to suffer grave loss and damage.”


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