Fellow Citizens,

This morning, I was really perplexed and disturbed by the videos and pictures that reached me regarding the sad events happening in Kasempa, of North Western Province. The Scenes of chaos, brutality, bloodshed, fear and violence have so profoundly been etched on my heart and mind.

I must, without ambiguity of any kind, condemn the actions taken against our fellow citizens in Kasempa by law enforcement officers. It is an act of grotesque violation of human rights to use live ammunition on unarmed people trying to make out, a living on the recently discovered gold deposits in their locality. Such acts of violence and police brutality on innocent civilians is unacceptable and barbaric because these poor people are merely trying to sustain their families’ in this very harsh economy that we have all been unfairly and grossly subjected to.

Across Africa, the local people who are being tear gassed, chased away and sometimes killed by brutal uniformed state personnel in this gruesome manner are the true owners of the minerals underneath than our visiting investors we deeply cherish and always want to give and honor with our minerals. Just as we have human animal conflicts in game areas, the state must know that local people will always show up wherever minerals like gold or emeralds are discovered in their areas. It is how the state deals and manages this confrontation or conflict which earns them respect or makes them become enemy of the masses. In Kasempa, this government is now deemed as the enemy of the people!

Further, I must mention that recent reports by the Human Rights Commission (HRC) of death of some innocent Zambians allegedly beaten to death by police officers in their custody in Lusaka is both unfortunate, unacceptable and deeply disturbing. All these acts of political repression, police brutality and state violence constitute a grave breach of trust vested in our law enforcement agencies by our people and inexcusable. The role of the Zambia Police is to preserve and protect the lives and property of the people, not harm or kill them in this immoral and inhumane manner.

I know that even under my own regime the police were not innocent but let’s call a spade a spade, a wrong is a wrong and I wish to call upon the Zambia Police to uphold the rule of law, exercise restraint as they undertake to do their duties, and be guided by principles of justice, fairness, professionalism and respect for human dignity and life. The police must avoid being used as tools by criminally minded and selfish politicians to further any agenda that undermines the rights and freedoms of our citizens. Remember, we politicians will come and go but an institution like the Zambia Police Service will remain standing.

Lastly, I wish to send my sincere sympathies to the families of the Kasempa victims and the family of detainees who allegedly died in police custody or under the hands of uniformed officers. As well mourn with you, may our God strengthen the affected families in this very sad time.

May God Bless Zambia

H.E Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Sixth Republican President
UKA Alliance Member

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