ECL TRUCE CALL BY HH A TRAP…Copperbelt churches and business implicated


…Copperbelt churches and business implicated


Sixth President of Zambia Edgar Lungu must resist the temptation to accept an invitation from counterpart incumbent President Hichilema because the invitation could be ´a trap,´ insiders close to the deal have revealed.

A team of business and evangelical clergy based in Ndola have been constituted to prepare for the possible ´HH-ECL´ reconciliation, State House is reported to have released money for the exercise already, but the motives remain questionable.

“According to the meetings held so far money has already been made available and president Lungu will soon receive an invitation from this committee,” a source close to the deal said, “if President Lungu refuses to attend the meeting, he looks bad and if he agrees to have a meeting it´s still dangerous for him.”

If he refuses, he will be seen as being an ´obstacle´ to reconciliation with President Hichilema for selfish political reasons.

The Ndola based insider cautioned that if Lungu feels compelled to attend the ´reconciliation´ façade, the best he can do is avoid touching any food or drinks provided by the hosts.

Recently Mr. Hichilema speaking at an event hosted by the Reformed Church of Zambia (RCZ) said he was willing to reconcile with his predecessor Mr. Lungu if the sixth President so wished.

But the insiders have strongly advised Mr. Lungu to stay away from any such meeting, especially in the absence of an agenda and pre conditions.

President Lungu could not be reached for comment but insiders state that the caution has already been availed to him regarding the possible ´entrapment´ by Copperbelt clergy and business.

The Lungu camp is due to receive the invitation from the committee soon according to the insiders.

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