…Prince Chanda..✍🏾🙏🏾🇿🇲🙏🏾

Ignored Intelligence is far too dangerous than failed Intelligence. When Intelligence fails there is a possibility to assume the enemy acted more subtle than you by eluding your abilities to detect, analyse and thwart danger. The whole purpose of Intelligence is to prevent, once you are Reacting, you are said to have failed. In cases of failed Intelligence those involved have a chance of staying alive.

In a grave case of ignored Intelligence, younare a dead man if a country has to slide into chaos because you chose to ignore what was necessary in your cause of duty to protect a sovereign entity.

You get tried and jailed for treason if you are lack to see the court room, court room is unlikely for you if the chaos leads to where marshal law is used to determine your fate, you quickly go straight to meet

your creator who has the authority to forgive or punish your sins on judgement day.

This is the practice anywhere….

Not to long ago I saw praise singers posting pics of Mnangagwa and our President, as a student of Internationsl Relations and Diplomacy, I analysed the pics and noticed serious diplomatic undertones. I told one praise singer saying the images don’t guarantee intact bilateral relations. We have to mend them. Typical of praise singers he ranted like a retarded idiots on matters he should have sat down to be educated on what he may not have understood.

A week later I saw a youtube video of ED Mnangagwa seemingly soliciting military support on behalf of his country reigning World’s most powerful leader of a nuclear super power nation Russia stressing the security maneuvers he assumes are going on between Zambia and the global enemy the USA🇺🇸.

Clearly the issue is grave and need seriousness from our foreign affairs department . What is more sad is to read Koswe down play a serious matter by trying to tie it to a sick and tired Kaisier Zulu, the behavior by Koswe is dangerous, excessive and highly insensitive. Koswe insinuated things such that in nations where presidents are well guided , the author of that publication would have been arrested ad a sign to show we treat the Zim issue with seriousness it deserves. Failure to do so authenticates Mnangagwa’s claims.

It’s clear that community house media propgandist running Koswe lack understanding on how conflicts can escalate, what the chaps and writers of koswe don’t understand is that in case of escalation, they wouldn’t be the ones facing the heat but innocent men and women in uniforms, this is why security agencies must take keen interest and deal with these careless writers of koswe and watchdog. It’s about time.

Any student of Internationsl Relations and Diplomacy who understands what *Security Dilemma* is and steps it should take to address would argue like me that Mnangagwa is in order to seek military support for his nation for the same reasons but mentioning our country was in itself diplomatic blunder. What is security Dilemma to non students of international Relations ?

The security dilemma is a fundamental concept in International Relations that refers to the paradoxical situation where one state’s efforts to enhance its security lead to feelings of insecurity among other states, which in turn, may lead to an arms race, conflict, or war.

The security dilemma arises from the following dynamics:

1. State A seeks to enhance its security by increasing its military capabilities or forming alliances.
2. State B perceives State A’s actions as a threat to its own security.
3. State B responds by enhancing its own military capabilities or forming counter-alliances.
4. State A perceives State B’s actions as a threat, leading to further escalation.

This cycle of action and reaction creates a vicious cycle of insecurity, where each state’s attempt to increase its security leads to a decrease in the security of other states.

The security dilemma is often attributed to the following factors:

1. Anarchy: The absence of a central authority in the international system.
2. Uncertainty: States’ inability to know each other’s intentions with certainty.
3. Self-help: States’ reliance on their own military capabilities for security.

The security dilemma has significant implications for international relations, including:

1. Arms races
2. Conflict and war
3. Alliance formation and proliferation
4. Distrust and tension
5. Difficulty in achieving cooperation and disarmament.

To mitigate the security dilemma, states may engage in:

1. Diplomacy and dialogue
2. Confidence-building measures
3. Arms control agreements
4. International institutions and norms
5. Cooperative security arrangements.
We therefore and unequivocally seek seriousness to the Zambia 🇿🇲 Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 issues and those being careless from Koswe warned publicly.
I remain *Hardliner* 🇿🇲

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