September 11, 2024….. Lusaka

CIVIL Rights Activist, Brebner Changala’s seditious practices case must quickly be concluded, Lusaka Chief Resident Magistrate Davies Chibwili has said.

Chibwili said this yesterday when he found Changala with a case to answer in one count of seditious practices.

When the matter came up for ruling yesterday, Magistrate Chibwili said the words uttered by the accused incited dissatisfaction against government and they may be found prima facie.

This is in matter where Mr Changala is charged with seditious practices in connection with utterances he allegedly made on May 26,2024 in connection to  the abduction of Petauke Central Member of Parliament Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda.

“When I examined the evidence of both sides ,defence and state ,the statement that State recruited criminals doing abduction and state sponsored terrorism may be found prima facing,I therefore found you with a case to answer and I put you on defence”he said.

And when defence Counsel S K Simukonga of Sangwa Simeza Associates  exchanged notes with his client “accused ” they asked for adjournment for commencement of defence.

Defence counsel informed court that they will line up about four witness.

It was at this point that the Chief Resident Magistrate was heard saying that this matter must quickly be concluded.

In the similar matter of Opposition leader Edith Nawakwi, Senior Resident Magistrate Ireen Wishimanga was heard saying Madam Nawakwi’s case was special.

The matter has been adjourned to October 7, 2024 for defence.

Credit@Mbili Reports.

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