By McPherson Mutale

“It’s been three years since that day when president HH took the instruments of power and was declared Zambia’s 7th Republican President.

Time has flown by and most of his promises to the Zambian people remain unfulfilled and a lingering legacy of political rhetoric that has punctuated the 60 years of Zambia’s self rule continues to haunt us.

This is my personal rating of the ministers in the New Dawn administration. This rating is not based on the Key Performance Indicators as set by their appointing authority by my own personal assessment as a citizen.


1. Paul C C Kabuswe
Constituency: Chililabombwe
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Mines and Minerals Development

President HH after inauguration made a pronouncement that the government and his administration will focus on increasing copper production from the current 1.8 million tons to 3 million tons.

This was an ambitious proposal that has not seen any attendant policy shift in as far as the mining sector is concerned. Yes the approach has been more business oriented but policy wise, there is little to no policy change.

I have not come across a comprehensive long term blue print for the mining sector in the next three decades for example. All I have seen, are half hearted proposals aimed at exploring and trying to quantify Zambia’s minerals.

Exiting as that might seem, its implications has little to no benefit for the common Zambian. Perhaps the starting point is to ask ourselves as to what copper production over the last century has done for us as a people.

From the time the UPND administration came into office, copper production has plummeted from around 880,000 metric tons in the 2021 to a little more than 600,000 metric tons in the current period.

The government can cite a lot of factors such as the problems at KCM and MCM for this dip in production, but there are inherent challenges that continue to haunt the sector, chief among which is that we are not in charge of our own minerals.

We have not seen a clear policy on the production of Sugelite, uranium, lithium and even nickel though we have these minerals in abundance.

The corruption in licensing, failure to properly tax the mines, failure to properly regulate the mining sector are the major issues that will make it difficult for Zambia to achieve the proposed 3 million metric tons in the next 7 years now.

The minister of mines for this reason is rated 2.8 /10. This is just for being present for more than 36 months.

2. Chipoka Mulenga
Constituency: Chingola
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Commerce, Trade and Industry

Despite the continued pronouncements by President HH that his administration will work towards reducing rigidities that plague the conduct of business in Zambia, the New Dawn Administration has failed lamentably.

The cost of doing business has gone up so significantly pushing most SMEs out of business. Like his colleague in mines, there is no blueprint for the sector to guide growth and productivity.

Despite having a huge and yearning market in the DRC, Zambia has failed to utilize this opportunity to expand its trade and commerce through industrialization and manufacturing.

We have remained a consumer nation with most of our products being imported from other markets like South Africa.

Despite my love for Hon Chipoka, his performance is abysmal and below my expectations. Therefore I would generously give him a 4/10 and this is just because I love his character and he is a promising leader.

3. Frank Tayali
Constituency: Ndola Central
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Transport and Logistics

This ministry is as good as dead. Without the efforts of his sister minister in Infrastructure, we have heard very little about the plans in this ministry.

The only way the country would develop is by having a robust transport and logistics sector. It is a nightmare to move goods, services and people across this country.

I have not seen a blueprint for Zambia’s transformation in the transport and logistics sector.

We need a speed train from Nakonde to Livingstone and from Chanida border to Jimbe border. We can’t talk about commerce and trade without a robust transport network.

Our airline industry is almost nonexistent. Despite the drive to have more airports, we have done little to make air transport affordable and attractive to Zambians.

We produce copper and most of it is transported via road reducing significantly the lifespan of our roads. Without a proper transportation system, the country can’t transition to a hub of trade and commerce.

For showing up for the past 3 years, I will generously give Hon Tayali a 2/10.

4. Reuben Mtolo Phiri
Constituency: Chipata Central
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Agriculture

Where is the Agricultural Sector Development Blueprint? How are we going to transform the sector when we have not done a blueprint that should guide our efforts?

The pronouncements by President HH for Zambia to produce in excess of 10 million metric tons of Maize is a pipeline dream when we can’t even implement the Comprehensive Agriculture Support Program.

Zambia has massive potential to become the regional food producer and exporter, but we have continued to pay lip service to this gigantic industry.

There is no mechanization and no modernization of the sector. We need modern production methods,
agro technology and processing as well as storage and logistics in the sector.

We have failed to properly map the country and provide the each region with the requisite infrastructure, technology and resources to maximize on their inherent strengths. A one size fits all approach has failed us for the past 60 years.

Hon Mutolo is wearing oversized shoes and to be honest he has failed lamentably. I may not know why he still has his portfolio but I would rate him 1.2/10

5. Douglas Munsaka Syakalima
Constituency: Chirundu
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Education

From day one, I have always said that it was a bad decision to merge the two ministries of higher and general education respectively. I feel the minister of education has been thrown in a pond that is too vast and wide that he has never managed to attend to all the fishes.

While there are efforts to modernize the curriculum, I am of the view that we also desperately need to modernize our teachers. Our education system for the past 6 years has become almost redundant.

Scholars have argued that we need to decolonize our education system and my sentiments have been that we need to decolonize our political, economic and social systems.

Nothing happens in a vacuum. Our problem is that while we quickly embraced the political independence, we have never strived to get the economic and social independence. Therein lies our educational problems.

Hon Siakalima has not demonstrated any ingenuity that could make me believe that we are heading in the right direction in this sector.

I will generously give him a 3/10.

6. Elvis Chishala Nkandu
Constituency: Kaputa
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Youth, Sport and Arts

This is one ministry laden with a lot of challenges and opportunities and sadly, there is very little being done to harness the potential of the youth.

The minister and his two permanent secretaries are on a holiday enjoying tax payers money while the youth continue to suffer emotional distress and damage.

You wonder why there are so many junkies? You have a ministry that does very little but to mimic the political rhetoric of the system.

We need a new paradigm shift in youth empowerment. We need a transformative approach and not the timid and unsure approach we continue to observe from this ministry.

For showing up for the past 3 years, we will generously give Hon Nkandu a 1.5/10

8. Ambrose Lwiji Lufuma
Constituency: Kabompo
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Defense

Perhaps the most quiet and inconsequential minister of our times. His job is a very challenging one but there is little that the common person can appreciate from this position.

Our borders are safe and our soldiers and now being asked to help in providing food security. Perhaps we should do more of food security as we really have little threat from outside than inside.

For the maturity and for being inconspicuous, I will generously give Hon Lufuma a 3/10.

8. Brenda Mwika Tambatamba
Constituency: Kasempa
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Labour and Social Security

Just because for the first time in recent decades her ministry has managed to provide social security to our retirees and given dignity to the elderly, this is one ministry I have applauded.

There is a lot of sanity also in the Labour space. Yes, we can and we should do more but I feel we are headed in the right direction.

We may need more women ministers perhaps? On that score, I will generously give Hon Tambatamba a 5/10.

9. Rhodine Sikumba
Constituency: Livingstone
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Tourism

Tourism is dying a natural death. For me, this ministry has been underperforming and has shown no innovation and direction. Perhaps I just expected more from a man with vast experience in the sector.

Our so called tourist capital has very limited activities that make tourist only stay for a few days.

Hon Minister, I can manage to do all the activities in livingstone in barely a day. But then again tourism is not synonymous to Livingstone. We need to have a blueprint for tourism development.

Zambia has vast tourism attractions but with poor transport and logistics, it’s impossible for a tourist to have their breakfast in Livingstone, lunch in Lower Zambezi and dinner at Kasaba Bay. This is why we can’t attract tourists.

Our heritage sites have no attendant facilities, no proper roads, no hotels or lodges, no restaurants and eateries, just nothing.

I expected more from you sir, sadly, I feel underwhelmed and will give you a generous 2/10.

10. Gary G Nkombo
Constituency: Mazabuka Central
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Local Government and Rural Development

Strides have been made to make local government better. The decentralization efforts are slowly but surely beginning to bear fruits. It will take more than just CDF, we need a robust blueprint for community modernization and development.

Local councils have been pathetic when it comes to planning and service delivery. We have a long way to have utilities and council infrastructure that attends to the needs of our people.

So far, the ministry is functional and progressively working towards improving service delivery to our people. More remains to be done but it’s a good start.

I will generously give Hon Nkombo a 6/10

11. Jacob Jack Mwiimbu
Constituency: Monze
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Home Affairs and Internal Security

Honestly, this is one ministry that is a let down to our democracy. The police in particular act with impunity as though they are in a draconian regime.

There is so much lip service given to the rule of law. The conduct of the police has been nothing short of a mockery of democracy.

Hon Mwiimbu is a lawyer himself and we expect a professional police service under his leadership. I must say I am a little taken aback about this conduct.

In that score, I will give Hon JJ a generous 2/10

12. Situmbeko Musokotwane
Constituency: Liuwa
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Finance and National Planning

This ministry has struggle under very difficult and complex circumstances. The minister has demonstrated his experience and expertise.

He might not be everyone’s darling, but he was hired to do a specific job and I personally think he has done a stellar job.

I do not agree entirely with the economic solutions he has put on the table but I love his conviction to do what he thinks what’s for him and his team to deliver a positive outcome for Zambia.

In all honesty, I would have preferred a more non neoliberal aligned minister but, unfortunately that is an expensive emotional position I can’t afford to sustain.

I will generously give the Hon Musokotwane a 5/10.

13. Doreen Sefuke Mwamba
Constituency: Nominated
Political Party: Nominated (Nom)
Portfolio: Minister – Community Development and Social Services

This is a ministry that am so conflicted about. Sometimes I feel it should never exist and at times I feel it should be a mere department under local government.

I honestly don’t know how to assess this one. I would be biased and illogical to even score it and therefore I will leave it for others to rate.

14. Charles Milupi
Constituency: Nominated
Political Party: Nominated (Nom)
Portfolio: Minister – Infrastructure, Housing Urban and Development

We should have just ended at ministry of infrastructure because the other components done exist as far as the current minister is concerned.

His focus is on PPPs for roads and border posts. I have not seen any blueprint for Zambias urbanization and later on modern housing especially for government.

New schools and hospitals are still being built as though we have limitless land. We don’t think about going up but continue to put up very ugly and funny looking buildings.

The n that score, the Hon Milupi will get a generous 3/10

15. Felix C Mutati
Constituency: Nominated
Political Party: Nominated (Nom)
Portfolio: Minister – Technology and Science

With no malice and no baseless, I honestly think this is misapplied human resources. The ministry needed a highly talented science and technology adept individual with a futuristic approach and aura about them.

The current minister is a misfit in this ministry and therefore his efforts won’t be seen. Three years on, where are we in e-governance, education, science, technology and innovations?

Perhaps we should stop using political emotions when appointing individuals to important positions in our society.

Hi will respectfully give the Hon Felix a generous 2/10.

16. Elias Mubanga
Constituency: Nominated
Political Party: Nominated (Nom)
Portfolio: Minister – Small and Medium Enterprises Development

What a waste of a nomination. President HH also sometimes makes me wonder what his strategy is. Such an important portfolio and you give it away just like that?

This is a critical ministry and I personally expected so much and hoped this would be a game changer; alas! It’s a disaster of great proportions. What a waste of a nomination.

I will give this one 0.8/10

17. Cornelius Mweetwa
Constituency: Choma
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Information and Media

From a vibrant and promising political heavyweight to a compromised and self doubting minister, whatever happened in between still baffles me.

Perhaps being in the opposition for too long also has its toll on you. When finally in power, people are tired and frustrated. This is not the same firebrand of a politician I knew a decade ago.

The ministry is uncoordinated and all over the place. With a PS who is a chatterbox, perhaps the minister could focus on policy reforms?

I would give the Hon Cornellius a generous 3/10.

18. Peter Chibwe Kapala
Constituency: Nominated
Political Party: Nominated (Nom)
Portfolio: Minister – Fisheries and Livestock

I will not asses him based on his new portfolio but the previous one and on that score, I would say he is one of the most self serving ministers.

The interests of the nation come after his and his benefactors. Despite previously heavily criticizing his predecessors, this minister demonstrated that he just admired what his friends used to enjoy.

For me this one was a disaster and luckily, even his appointing authority decided to make the painful decision of changing his portfolio.

It is a painful 1/10.

19. Makozo Chikote
Constituency: Luampa
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Energy

Again I will rate him based on his previous portfolio. This is a very hardworking man. He has a very strong personality and in areas where he lacks, he love to consult.

Sadly, there is no blueprint for fisheries and livestock despite being one of the ministries that could help this country into prosperity. The minister was thrown in the deep end without a life jacked and he had to be rescued and again dropped in another deep end, perhaps this time around he will swim to the shore.

I will give the Hon Makozo a generous 3/10 for effort.

20. Elijah Julaki Muchima
Constituency: Ikeleng’i
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Health

This one I will also rate him based on his performance at Lands. This is one ministry that has a lot to do. The country need a comprehensive land audit and we need to establish how much of our land is in foreign hands.

We need to empower our people with access to land. That will be their capital contribution when it comes to the highly talked about economic partnerships.

The Hon Muchima will get a generous 2/10.

21. Sylvia Masebo
Constituency: Chongwe
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Lands and Natural Resources

This one I will rate based on her tour of duty at the ministry of health.

She tried to bring order in certain areas of the ministry but in the process she also ended up creating dangerous disasters especially in drug procurement processes and procedures.

The one thing I love about the minister apart from her beautiful personality, is her conviction. I love a confident minister and this one lacks no confidence. Yes she may even be over confident but I love that about her.

This ministry has a lot of work to do. There was a marked difference between how the previous minister handled the Covid situation and how this minister handled cholera. I shudder to think what would have happened has she been the one handling Covid.

Anyway, God is always in control and bring people for different seasons. I will generously hand the beautiful minister a 4/10

22. Princess Kasune
Constituency: Keembe
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Justice

I will honestly no be able to rate this one on the basis that I am only focusing on cabinet and she is a new comer. I will rate her in 2026 before the elections.

23. Mike Mposha
Constituency: Munali
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Green Economy and Environment

This one I will rate him based on his previous portfolio of water development. I feel he did not apply himself fully to his portfolio. Imagine how much water we have in our fresh water bodies and yet, we continue to suffer from water bone diseases.

Kafue River is a stone throw from Lusaka but Lusaka still struggles to supply water to its residents. It is really a shame that we still continue to play rhetoric and lip service to this important sector.

We can’t even do irrigation despite have so much water all around us. For that reason, I will give the Hon Mike a 1/10

24. Collins Nzovu
Constituency: Nangoma
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Water Development and Sanitation

I will rate this one based on his previous portfolio of Green Economy. Let me just say I have been greatly disappointed by the abysmal performance of the minister.

This was one ministry together with SME and Science and Technology that I thought would propel our national development agenda, alas, I was just being overly optimistic.

No blueprint has been developed on how Zambia can use the green economy to build enhance its strategic economic potential by tapping into climate financing facilities.

I will give the Hon Nzovu a generous 2/10

25. Mulambo Hamakuni Haimbe
Constituency: Lusaka Central
Political Party: United Party for National Development (UPND)
Portfolio: Minister – Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

I will rate the minister on his performance at Justice ministry. To be honest, the shoes were too big for the honourable minister. He is a very smart and intelligent person but he was thrown in the deep down nd and failed to navigate the tapestry of civil service procedures and processes.

He got caught up in the web of bureaucracy and red tape and lost his direction. The judicial reforms that he fondly talked about in the opposition just eluded him to the last day in the ministry.

It’s easier said than done Hon Haimbe. To that effect I will generously give him 2/10.

In the final analysis, President HH short changed himself with most of his ministers and this reflects very bad on his own performance.”

Disclaimer: These are my personal views and are based on my own criteria and not on the KPI set by President HH and his team. It would be very interesting to hear the Presidents assessment of his team’s 3 years into office.

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