Fake Reconciliation Scheme Targeting Former President Lungu unearthed

…as the Bible says nothing is hidden under the Sun….

Information has surfaced suggesting a potential scheme involving a staged reconciliation meeting in Ndola, purportedly aimed at former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. According to inside sources.

According to the sources a reconciliation prayer meeting is scheduled to be announced where Former President Lungu will be invited. The motive behind this meeting has left some Copperbelt pastors shocked and have since withdrawn from the planning meeting stating that the role of the Church is to ensure peace and harmony in the community not make plans with other agenda’s

“I belong to the committee that wants to spearhead this conference but the motive of the conference is not something that I as a man of God can accept. My calling is to save people and help bring peace not hatred”

The source has advised President Lungu to be very vigilant and seek guidance from trusted people.

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