Unilus Student Stanley Majid has committed Suícíde MHSRIP Before he díed he made a post barely 23 hours ago


Unilus Student Stanley Majid has committed Suícíde MHSRIP Before he díed he made a post barely 23 hours ago and he wrote…

‘’Depression is real

My story writing this with a heavy heart

About 3 months ago I raised about K73, 000 well I planned getting a car and put it on yango.

I told one of my friends about my plan who which he told me it’s a good idea..fast forward we started looking for a car on different pages most of the cars we were finding were more than my budget.. That’s how my friend told me he knows so car dealer who can help us find a car within a short period of time … that’s how he introduced me to this guy…I told him about my plan and my budget he agreed to help..Next day he called me that he found an auris in nakondo which was still new and going at K95,000 I told him that was too much for me…I spoke to the person that was selling the car he discounted to K85000 I told my friend about it. 

He told me it was a good idea cause with yango I will be able to make close to K3000 every month… that’s how I started hustling for money I ended up getting soft loans from friends that were giving loans till I raised K18000 that’s how I called the urgent he followed me in silverest he found me with my friends we signed some papers he assured me the car will be in within 2 weeks I was super excited…fast forward I gave him K88000 next day he called me that he left for Nakondo… while that side he called me he wanted a k1000 to add on the fuel so that he can start getting to Lusaka without hesitation I sent..

2 weeks passed the guy wasn’t in yet I called him he kept on giving me stories..I told my friend about it he told me to be patient the guy will be in soon…..4 weeks passed the guy no show at this point he stopped taking my calls.. I told my friend he tried to call the guy didn’t pick up .. that’s how we decided to go to the police I told the police my story they assured me their will find the guy within a short period of time… They asked me to pay K4,000 to help them trace the guy out of desperation I got another loans from some female friend and paid them… I was told to go back after a week ..I went back as promised after a week ..I was asked to pay 1500 again and I was told the guy will be soon found.

They needed that money to go pick him…..while it’s now been 3 to 4 months no result …. Recent I learnt that my friend actually knew that the guy is a thief and he was actually aware about everything …I was so broken this is the guy who has seen me these past months battling with depression cause of the debts I got from people….he saw me starving cause every money I get I always have to pay to people that I am owing.. he saw me been sent call outs at the police regarding to debts and yet he knew everything….I feel so betrayed …I really trusted my friend and I was always there for him ..he saw me drinking alcohol everyday trying to clear my mind due to debts and yet he didn’t care…he saw me running away from my own room…yet he didn’t care…I have learnt about depression little did I know I can he a victim of it..

Never trust anyone
I forgive you bro . I wish you nothing but the best’’

-Check up on your friends they are going through alot

CREDIT: Zambian Brief.

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