Those that demonised Sata in life were happy to preside over his Memorial
Dear countrymen and women, Monday, on this 28th day of October, 2024, the Citizens First family would like to join hands with the Sata family and indeed with the rest of the nation as we commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the passing to glory of one great son of the soil H.E. Michael Chilufya Sata who served this nation with distinction and demonstrated to the nation that there is no rhetoric in leadership and all that one needs to do is to be practical in execution.
I had the privilege of working with President Sata and one thing I will always remember him for is his passion for the nation of Zambia and he did everything within his strength and power to ensure that he left this nation better than he found it. A man that sought to bring about unity and reconciliation in spite of his strong way of doing things, always saw people for who they were and carried them along regardless of their personal challenges or weaknesses. He demonstrated what it means to be a father of the nation and for that he will always have a special place in the many hearts that he touched and built. President Sata sadly passed away on 28th October, 2014 at the time when we needed him the most as he had initiated so many developmental projects that would help reshape the Zambian landscape.
The tragedy of this years memorial is to see the very people who could not stand President Sata’s bravado and demeanor and wished him dead at any given opportunity taking over his memorial service to the point of even alienating his Party members. What is more ironic is that they seem to be keen on hosting the memorial of the Fifth Republican President who was sponsored by the PF and yet they have opted to alienate the Sixth Republican President who was equally sponsored to the Presidency by the same PF party and yet he has been stripped of all privileges and emoluments due to a former head of state. This level of hypocrisy must be condemned in the strongest sense.
I pray that this memorial will serve as a reminder to those in government, that we are just but pilgrims on this side of eternity and the time to do right is now as one day we shall be called to account for our actions to humanity.
Continue to Rest In Eternal Peace My President and Trust you are cheering us on as we seek to redeem this nation and rid it of any corrupt elements and set it back on the path of economic emancipation that you had initiated some 10 years ago.
Harry Kalaba
Citizens First
A Member of the United Kwacha Alliance
Those that demonised Sata in life were happy to preside over his Memorial- Harry Kalaba