Dr Fred M’membe says the rise in arrests and detention of opposition political leaders and human rights defenders signifies the end of the corrupt and oppressive regime of Hakainde Hichilema.

Dr M’membe who heads the opposition Socialist Party Zambia says it had to take the United Nations to voice on the infringements of people’s rights in Zambia.

“We know that the ongoing arbitrary arrests, intimidation, abductions, and torture of political opponents are the last kicks of a dying horse,” Dr M’membe says in his article seen by Zambian Eye. “The rise in intimidation and human rights abuses against citizens and critics signify the end of a very corrupt, vindictive, and wicked regime. We say so because the UPND government bears all the hallmarks of a frustrated and paranoid outgoing regime.”

Dr M’membe a Journalist turned politician who has been one of the Victims of arrests  observes that the response by government to the UN Report is disgraceful.

Below is the full report.


Mr Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND government’s response to the United Nations Special Rapporteurs of the Human Rights Council’s report on the infringements on fundamental freedoms in Zambia, is nothing but disgraceful lies.

On August 29, 2024, the UN independent experts expressed concern about multiple allegations on charges of arbitrary arrests and detentions on charges of, inter alia, unlawful assembly, espionage, hate speech and seditious practices against opposition political party leaders and members, parliamentarians, human rights defenders and activists, as well as restrictions on gatherings, meetings, peaceful protests and rallies in Zambia. They observed that since January 2022, at least 26 such cases have been brought to the attention of the experts, and that information received indicated that in some cases, arrests, intimidation and harassment stem merely from expressing diverging, and critical views whilst in others, they are intended to curtail participation in political and public life.

But in response, Mr Hichilema’s government, through the Minister of Information and Media, who is also the chief government spokesperson, Mr Cornelius Mweetwa appallingly lied about the accurate concerns raised by the UN independent experts. But what is clear is that Mr Mweetwa is trying to play smart without being clever on the report’s findings. This government has managed to lie to people who are not analytical and make them believe that they have abolished the law on defamation of the President. And yet, what they have simply done is that they have removed a law that was surplus or in excess of what they needed. Whatever was covered in the defamation of the President law they have repelled is well catered for in the cyber security, hate speech, and sedition laws. Whatever they could do under the defamation of the President law, they can still do it under these laws and are actually doing it under these equally repressive laws. So, what has changed? Nothing!

They also want to get credit on the abolition of the death penalty. But the reality is that the death penalty was a disused, defunct law. It was a law that was very  seldom used and had actually no hangings or executions had been carried out in Zambia for a very long time. People who were on death row had, in reality, become life sentence prisoners. So, what have they brought to the table that is praiseworthy? Why is this government and its leaders such extreme liars?

The undeniable truth is that this government has constrained the political and civic space. They have restricted the freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of speech, and many other constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms. There is no need for theoretical disquisition here because the victims and witnesses of this government’s infringements on fundamental freedoms are available to testify. And how many opposition leaders have they arrested for exercising their freedoms? How many court cases do they have over these infringements on fundamental freedoms? How many people from one region have they arrested for hate speech? And how many ruling UPND cadres have they summoned or arrested for holding meetings without a police permit? None. No decent leadership can deny these concerns, which we have raised over several times.             

This is definitely not the way to govern a country. But the biggest problem this country is faced with at the moment is Mr Hichilema, who has elevated himself to be worthy and deserving of nothing but praise and acclamation irrespective of the obvious blunders and weaknesses. Mr Hichilema is determined to dehumanize, brutalize, and humiliate political opponents in all sorts of ways, but he will never intimidate or break us. We are committed to carrying this cross for the sake of our country and our people. Things can’t continue this way!

We know that the ongoing arbitrary arrests, intimidation, abductions, and torture of political opponents are the last kicks of a dying horse. The rise in intimidation and human rights abuses against citizens and critics signify the end of a very corrupt, vindictive, and wicked regime. We say so because the UPND government bears all the hallmarks of a frustrated and paranoid outgoing regime.

2026 Aleya!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party

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