Stay away from your husband’s phone if you want peace, court advises women

Stay away from your husband’s phone if you want peace, court advises women

THE Livingstone Local Court A3 has advised women to avoid going through their husbands’ phones in order to have peace and avoid problems in their marriages.

Local Court magistrate Bismarck Bulongo has also urged women not to withhold sex as that is an important aspect of intimacy in a marriage.

“Don’t touch your husband’s phone; otherwise, problems in your marriage won’t end. To have peace, avoid his phone. Respecting boundaries in a marriage is key to maintaining a peaceful household,” he said.

The court said this in a case in which Clara Lisapo sued Bonaventure Wasamuno, both of Simoonga village, for marriage reconciliation.

Earlier, Wasamuno complained about the lack of intimacy in their marriage. He said his wife was always on YouTube or singing and he always has to coerce her into having sex with him.

But Lisapo said her husband’s infidelity and lack of financial support has caused problems in their marriage.

“We had a peaceful marriage until 2021 when he impregnated another woman. He was charged K11,000. Unfortunately, the baby died. Things stabilised in our marriage after that in 2022 but in 2023, he started dating another woman and that was where his resources started going,” she said, adding that her husband started sneaking out at night and because she was pregnant at the time. She could not follow him.

Passing judgment, the court called for mutual respect in the couple’s marriage.

“Respect, communication and financial transparency are key pillars of a successful marriage.

Remain intimate and respectful towards each other to avoid infidelity. Reconciliation upheld, you may hug your wife,” the court ordered.

Credit: Zambia Daily Mail

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