….It is neither the job of the Presidential Communications Team to engage with individuals like Emmanuel Mwamba, Chilufya Tayali, or Sean Tembo, nor to respond to opposition propaganda. Such tasks fall outside their mandate and would only distract from their primary responsibilities….
We have observed a consistent series of intense critiques from Laura Miti directed at the State House communications team. Her statements, often laced with an apparent animosity, seem aimed particularly at discrediting Clayson Hamasaka. While Laura Miti may hold personal disdain toward him, her repeated attempts to discredit the team deserve scrutiny.
Like Laura, we may also hold reservations about certain individuals at State House, that’s normal in every Presidency including the White House. However, it’s important to recognize the unique role and structure of the Presidency within the Zambian government.
The Presidency, by design, is not meant to defend itself in direct confrontations or public spats. It would be bathing in its own waters.
The Role of the Presidential Communications Team
It is neither the job of the Presidential Communications Team to engage with individuals like Emmanuel Mwamba, Chilufya Tayali, or Sean Tembo, nor to respond to opposition propaganda. Such tasks fall outside their mandate and would only distract from their primary responsibilities. If the team were to focus on addressing every critique, they would find themselves entangled in endless public disputes.
The Zambian government has established a variety of channels and departments specifically tasked with communicating government initiatives and countering misinformation. These include:
The Ministry of Information, through the Minister and Permanent Secretary.
The Director and Spokesperson at Cabinet Office.
Public Relations Officers (PROs) across ministries, government quasi-bodies, councils, and other entities.
Party Spokesperson, Party Media Team, and other designated roles.
Laura Miti should acknowledge that these institutions are equipped and mandated to handle communication of government programs, as well as fact-checking and addressing misinformation. The Presidential Communications Team, on the other hand, is tasked with representing the Presidency itself and should not be expected to directly engage in confrontations with various critics. To demand otherwise reveals a misunderstanding of their role and responsibilities.
*Gaps in Government Communication*
Admittedly, there exists a gap in effectively communicating government programs. This is precisely where the roles of the aforementioned platforms become crucial. The Presidential Communications Team cannot—and should not—be expected to promote every government program or policy.
For instance, communication regarding Constituency Development Fund (CDF) implementation should come from council PROs, who are better positioned to share these success stories at the local level.
Similarly, misinformation should be addressed by the Chief Government Spokesperson, Party Spokesperson, and Ministry PROs, who each have the remit to clarify matters within their respective areas.
The Presidency should not have to explain issues such as low water levels at Kariba when ZESCO’s spokesperson is available to provide such information. Demanding that the Presidential Communications Team cover every government matter is both unrealistic and counterproductive.
Questioning Laura Miti’s Role
It appears that Laura Miti’s personal grievances may be influencing her public criticisms. While we recognize her right to provide checks and balances, we urge her to approach her critiques with realism and fairness.
This raises an important question: what is Laura Miti’s role in government? What exactly is she paid to do? Is her focus solely on critiquing the Presidential Communications Team, or does she have broader responsibilities?
In closing, we hope Laura Miti reflects on her approach and considers the structured roles within government communication before casting aspersions on those tasked with upholding the Presidency.