Nevers Mumba must stop telling lies,he must lobby for a job quietly

Nevers Mumba must stop telling lies,he must lobby for a job quietly

1. Lie
“When we (MMD) removed UNIP”
Nevers was not MMD in 1991 In fact he was opposed to the very idea of MMD forming government. He also issued a statement on the eve of elections that Zambia will descend into bl**dshed if they didnt vote for UNIP!

2. Lie
The mess that MMD was trying to clean was created by UNIP
MMD and it’s supporters never claimed that UNIP created any mess in the country In fact all those who supported MMD acknowledged the work that UNIP had done in building the nation by entrenching the motto One-Zambia-One-Nation and by pursuing Economic Reforms which started with the Watershed Speech. The only agreed reason why UNIP was removed was because it had overstayed its position in power and Zambians were now responding to the African need to dismantle one-party dictatorships

3. Lie
MMD took ten years to correct the rot created by UNIP
MMD had started on a very good note and did well in the first three years.
However the increases power struggle and visible divisions within the MMD nourished by the various reshuffles made by President Chiluba started making MMD unpopular among the citizens.
In fact President Chiluba realized his folly and schemed his succession by bringing in President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa.
The nation will recall that it was when President Mwanawasa became president when Dr Mumba became “a member” of MMD when he was nominated and made Vice President.
Further it was after President Mwanawasa became President that MMD posted positive gains in its governance and economic development after visible failures which set in after Chiluba made those unfortunate reshuffles.

4. Lie

PF broke the record of being the only country to default on debt because of the pandemic

So far they are 38 countries that suspended debt service under the G20 Framework

5. Lie
Staggering debt is unforgivable

compare with debt borrowed by UPND in two years and its deployment. UPND has borrowed $6billion in two years

6. Lie
Only in Africa where such people can claim to want to come back

The comparison between MMD performance and PF performance will show that PF helped in bridging the infrastructure deficits that had arisen due to MMD’s lack of bravery and partly corruption
Yet MMD under Nevers has been repeatedly trying to return to power although their performance has been increasingly dismal

7. Lie
Only in Africa (reference to ECL)
Comparing Zambia’s political experience with the Exodus of the children of Israel

This comparison is without basis and cannot be justified by any critical thinker. First Moses who was leading the children of Israel was not leading a political party.
He was executing God’s instructions in keeping with God’s promise to Israel Second Moses did not give the children of Israel false promises concerning the cost of commodities the cost of living and good governance.
If per adventure Moses had dared to give the children of Israel such promises and such promises were later found to be false they would have been within their rights to demand a return to Egypt.
Put another way a fake Moses giving fake promises on a journey to a fake promised land could not possibly have managed to persuade the children of Israel to leave Egypt let alone to lead them to the promised land This is a case of quoting scripture out of contest

8. Lie
Corrupt have become more vocal more powerful. They feel untouchable because they think they can buy their way through the judicial system

This is highly unjustified and provocative to come out of the mouth of someone calling himself a leader.
This is extremely discriminatory against leaders of the PF. A person can only be considered corrupt once the Court of competent jurisdiction pronounces such a person guilty after he has been subjected to due process of the law.
This is what is missing in the current purported fight against corruption It appears NMs quest to thirst to see PF leaders punished makes him oblivious to the need for Courts to act in accordance with the due process of the law

Furthermore to suggest that certain people feel untouchable because they think they can buy their way through the judicial system is grossly undermining the judicial system and an afront to the very judicial officers who the country has appointed to preside over matters that require resolution through the due legal process.

Comments of and about judges and the Justice system must be tempered and measured with reason and wisdom to avoid sounding like one is demeaning the institution of the Judicature.


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