Mwape blames players, Kundananji says loss hurts more than a heartbreak

COPPER Queens coach Bruce Mwape has attributed yesterday’s loss to complacency on the part of his players when they enjoyed a comfortable lead.

And, striker Racheal Kundananji has said the loss hurts more than a heartbreak.

Zambians are failing to stomach how the team twice gave up a lead to eventually lose 6-5 in a game where they once enjoyed a 5-2 advantage.

However, Mwape in an interview has provided what he believes led to the loss.

“It is very had to explain that defeat. After leading 5-2 we had that hope of [winning]. From the look of things, the players became complacent, we could not concentrate we allowed silly goals,” Mwape said.

Meanwhile, Kundananji said the loss was hard to take.

“This is more than a heartbreak, we saw three points coming to team Zambia, and it just went like that…it is so painful,” Kundananji said.

She said the players played according to instruction but lost concentration.

“We need to work on some things, I feel like we went well in the game I feel like we just lost concentration that’s why we conceded a lot of goals,” she said.


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