ISREAL ADESANYA’s ex-girlfriend, CHARLOTTE POWDRELL crîes her eyes out after paying him $500k for taking him to cõurt after their BREAKUP 🥲
Charlotte and Isreal never got married married nor had kids but when Israel broke up with her, she took him to cõurt demanding for half of his estimated $15-million fortune arguing that they dated for too long(1-year) and he ought to have married her.
So after following and investigatîng the case for over a year, the cõurt finally passed jûdgement that she should be given half of Isreal Adesanya’s wealth but it was discovered that Isreal Adesanya’s networth is $0.00 and he has never owned a bank account his whole life.
And since she’s worth $1-milliom and significantly richer than her boyfriend, her own money had to be split among them equally leaving Israel with $500k.
It has been ALLEGED that Israel Adesanya’s entire $15-million is being managed by his mother, Taiwo and she has been managing his finances since the beginning of his career.
The Brotherhood Is Proud Of Isreal ✊
Man is fully HARKIMIZED 🙌