It is evident that Mr Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND have realized that a heavy electoral defeat in 2026 awaits them. And the desperation, agitation or uneasiness is visible for all to see, and conclude that this is indeed, an outgoing government.

This is the reason they are now in overdrive, trying to create an illusory narrative that there is no alternative political outfit in Zambia today, that can unseat Mr Hichilema and the UPND from power. But we ask again: if that is the case, why are they bothered? And when did ruling parties in this country start recommending alternative leadership? When did ruling parties begin making choices on behalf of citizens on who should take over from them? Let Mr Hichilema and the UPND not assume that just because it took them 23 years in opposition, before they could form government, then every party seeking political leadership in this country will undergo a similar waiting process, No!

Mr Hichilema and his surrogates need to understand that transitions of power in this country have always taken place under different circumstances or situations all the time. Zambians now know and appreciate the usefulness of a vote. They fully comprehend the practicality of voting, and the transformation it brings to our society.

So, Zambians don’t need any hired voices or UPND surrogates to remind or guide them on how or what to do in a tripartite election, because they have already lived and experienced Mr Hichilema’s leadership, and fully understand what his “champion’s league” administration is all about, and how he has fared with the ten-point plan, he promised will turnaround the economy of this country once elected. Our people know about the political and socio-economic uncertainties, abuse of state institutions, lack of constitutionalism, democracy, governance, the rule of law, and other numerous illegalities, Mr Hichilema has been aiding, and how the same have ended up affecting the integrity, credibility and acceptability of this government.

It is common knowledge that Mr Hichilema and UPND administration’s public ratings are currently at an all-time low. And also, Mr Hichilema knows too, that there is a growing and irreversible narrative that he is a highly corrupt leader, running a looting machine. The corruption tag has befittingly and magnificently been conferred on him. The tormenting of opposition leaders and condensing of the freedoms of citizens, polarization and bitter tribal divisions in the country, and how the same keeps deepening, is part of the many reasons why it is highly improbable for Mr Hichilema to be re-elected in 2026. That is why Mr Hichilema through his abusive and divisive State House based rogue media, and other hired voices are unrelentingly berating, abusing, and describing selected opposition leaders in this country, in such a resentful manner. Their aim is to alter the narrative, and heighten propaganda activities to support his re-election bid, but its too late.

Our honest message to Mr Hichilema is that the suffering masses of this country are the alternative government, him and his surrogates can’t see, and at the right moment, true, sincere, accountable and transparent leadership shall emerge through them, to save our country. We also want to remind him that we are several steps ahead of him on the ground with the people. And no amount of misinformation, disruptive, cruel and reckless political antics deployed against us will halt the momentum, it will not work. Our voice already resonates with the youths, the poor working class of this country, the traditional and religious leaders, the crestfallen majority of urban and rural voters, and the unemployed masses among many groups in this country.

The millions of disappointed masses of this country are our anchor points that will help us achieve our desire to create a fair, just, patriotic and people centered governance system. This cause is unstoppable and transcends all barriers or dark forces intentions on continuing under the current order.

In due course, the people shall triumph!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party

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