Give PF back to legitimate owners – M’membe

Give PF back to legitimate owners – M’membe

TWO opposition political parties have told the UPND to give back the Patriotic Front (PF) to its rightful and legitimate leadership of former President Edgar Lungu and not gift it to expelled Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa in a bid to annihilate the country’s biggest opposition political party.

Fred M’membe, the Socialist Party president and Sean Tembo, the president for Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) have demanded that the UPND should give back the PF to former President Lungu who is the authentic leader and not Mr Sampa because the country needs a strong opposition for democracy to thrive.

“And they have not hidden their evil intentions. They have been brazen about it. The truth is, it is not Miles Sampa who is holding on to the PF, it’s Mr Hichilema through the Registrar of Societies

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