Court jails Angel for stealing Lungu’s TVs

Court jails Angel for stealing Lungu’s TVs

A THIEVING PF cadre will spend the next five years behind bars for stealing two television sets from from former president Edgar Lungu’s rented house in Ibex Hill over a year ago.


Upon being convicted for burglary and theft yesterday and handed a five year jail term, 32 year-old Angel Chipasha applied for bail pending appeal against his sentence but was denied.

On August 9, 2022 Chipasha with intent to steal broke and entered into Lungu’s house and stole two television sets valued at K66,000.

Magistrate Chrispin Hampungani had jailed Chipasha to deter would be offenders with a habit of breaking into peoples homes and helping themselves with valuable items.

He said the ’Angel’s’ thieving skills were dangersome as he managed to burglarise TVs from Chipolopolo defender Stophila Sunzu’s luxurious house that was fenced and guarded 24/7.

Magistrate Hampungani declined the application for bail pending appeal by the Convict’s lawyer Joseph Busenga on reasons that there were no exceptional circumstances to show that the convict could have served the sentence by the time his appeal will be heard for him to admit the ‘angel’ to bail pending appeal.

He said appeals are now heard in good time as the Courts are not very busy.

Chipasha of Moomba camp in Ten Miles, decided to put his salaula business on hold and engaged in stealing valuable electronic appliances from peoples homes which he later sold to boost his business.

However it emerged that the two Samsung Smart television sets stolen from Edgar Lungu’s rented House which were later recovered by the police belonged to a Shimbinzyani Chavula.

The Court record did not show further details about Lungu’s connection to Chavula or how the Television sets found themselves in the former president’s custody before they were stolen.…/court-jails-angel-for-stealing…/

By Mwaka Ndawa


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