It’s very sad and disheartening seeing citizens queuing in long queues for hours just to buy a bag of mealie meal.By Gift Musukwa Vinkumbo Former PF Deputy Mayor Chililabombwe.The problem faced today is not Small but bigger than the attention its getting . The minister of agriculture has been advised at several platforms in parliament… Continue reading It’s very sad and disheartening seeing citizens queuing in long queues for hours just to buy a bag of mealie meal
Category: Politics
GOVT SIGNS SI ON MEALI MEAL IMPORTSPAUL SHALALAZNBC NewsFinance and National Planning Minister, SITUMBEKO MUSOKOTWANE has issued a Statutory Instrument -SI- to allow for the import of mealie meal to stabilize prices of the commodity.Dr. MUSOKOTWANE says the SI has lifted all taxes and other fees for maize imports to allow the private sector bring… Continue reading GOVT SIGNS SI ON MEALI MEAL IMPORTS