Fred M’membe

I will jail Mr Hichilema and grab all his properties- Fred M’membe

Angry M’membe writes

I will jail Mr Hichilema and grab all his properties.

Any meaningful fight against corruption must start with an investigation of Mr Hichilema’s business interests and the government procurement and payment authorisation system.

Mr Musa Mwenye, the chairman of the Anti Corruption Commission and the US envoy to Zambia, Mr Michael Gonzales, have emphatically demanded that Mr Hichilema declares all his assets. Why?

The day Mr Hichilema is made to fully disclose all his business interests, without being able to conceal anything, will mark the beginning of the end of his presidency and the beginning of his journey to prison. Even Mr Hichilema knows this too well no wonder the resistance.

The amount of systemic corruption and plunder of state funds that is being facilitated by State House is terrifying and confirms the sad reality that this presidency is a terrible burden to our society.

We want to caution the citizens not cheat themselves into believing that they have a decent and corrupt free leadership, because the truth and the reality currently, is that most of the bribery, embezzlement, illicit enrichment, trading influence and all manner of abuses and white- collar financial and economic crimes that we are witnessing are engineered by State House.

All the powerful dirty deals we are seeing, hearing, and reading about in the media are the brainchild of State House. These deals are marinated, cooked, and served within the presidency. In short, the presidency is the command post of grand corruption and looting of public resources.

Under this presidency, procurement procedures and regulations have been totally paralyzed and they are going about their daily business with impunity, and without any oversight or regard for the moral, political and economic effects of their actions. This presidency is the most corrupt in the history of this country, and the presidential aides are the most incompetent, shady, and pathetically dishonest and corrupt of all.

They’re a deprived bunch who are distorting and eroding public trust and confidence in state institutions as well as damaging policy integrity.

With the presidency organizing and perpetuating this cancerous culture of corruption, it is wishful thinking to expect this regime to wage a relentless campaign against corruption and succeed or turn around the economy and improve the livelihoods of ordinary citizens.

These are incorrigible liars, manipulators, and fraudsters who have no interest whatsoever in the welfare of ordinary citizens. All they are interested in is power and money – to keep power and continue looting.

It’s just a matter of time before everything comes to the fore.

Crooks of all shapes and sizes have been assembled and unleashed on the people and the state coffers by Mr Hichilema.

Tuletekwa naba kabwalala!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party

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