Hichilema is the most disappointing Leader-Laura Miti

Hichilema is the most disappointing Leader-Laura Miti

One thing I miss about the MMD administration – from Chiluba down to RB – is the quality of just about everyone appointed to high office. OK, there were one or two iffy Ministers, especially those overseeing  the Copperbelt, and a couple of Vice Presidents that we should thank God were fired before they could pyana.

In the main, though, you could not argue with deservedness of Ministers, PSes and Presidential advisers.

Vabwela vachinja.

Since RB – aweee mwandi, ba Kateks bamachita chabe piki piki na pikidoli among loyalists, with the main requirement for office, seemingly being that loyalty or longevity in the party.

Ndiye nkani iliko manje. So many people of no identifiable use to the country are in offices critical to its running. Some of the positions almost certainly created with the sole purpose of rewarding people with jobs.

On that count, the current President is the most dissapointing for me. I mean, corporate background and all. How can he be so bad at hiring and firing, or so at ease with incompetence?

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